
Teeth Cleaning In Jaipur

Published: 2023-11-15
Views: 102
Author: msdental
Published in: Health & Fitness

You should schedule a professional teeth cleaning with our Dentist or in order to maintain oral health.


In order to avoid severe plaque development, Teeth cleanings should be performed every six months and typically last 30 minutes. Plaque can cause tooth damage and unhealthy gums if left untreated. You can keep your oral health in top shape with the assistance of our teeth-cleaning dentist in Jaipur


You might receive several treatments during your session, depending on the condition of your gums and teeth. For instance, individuals requiring teeth scaling and root planing will require a thorough cleaning due to early periodontitis. Individuals who have good gums and teeth won't need as much extensive care. 

Teeth Scaling - Teeth Cleaning in Jaipur

Depending on the amount of plaque and tartar, different techniques may be used during the scaling procedure to remove it from all tooth surfaces. Although the majority of dental hygienists have historically done scaling by hand, new developments in technology have made it possible to use electric scalers. With the help of this advanced instrument, teeth cleanings can be completed faster and more effectively. For teeth cleanings, a combination of electric and manual scaling techniques is frequently used to get the greatest results.

Root Planing - Teeth Cleaning in Jaipur

The procedure known as "root planing" is used to treat moderate to advanced gum disease and to stop further issues. Gum pockets deepen and may separate from the underlying bone when the gums are irritated. Plaque deposits are more likely to become stuck and cause issues the deeper the pockets.


Plaque buildup is removed from the gum pockets by your dentist using a pointed dental scaler during the root planing treatment. A local anaesthetic may be administered to prevent pain during root planing, which could require multiple consultations depending on how tough the procedure is.


If you live in Jaipur and are searching for Teeth Cleaning in Jaipur, you should consider Molar Support Dental Clinic. One of the best dental clinics in Jaipur. Call us to Book an Appointment: 09414986786


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