
Family Dental Care Darwin

Published: 2024-01-14
Views: 65
Author: smithstreet
Published in: Health & Fitness

Gum Recession - Family Dental Care Darwin

A problem known as gum recession occurs when your gums recede from your teeth. Numerous factors contribute to it, including as smoking, vigorous brushing, and even heredity. Surgery, antibacterial mouth rinses, and antibiotics are the available treatments. Gum recession is irreversible once it has started. Dental care, however, helps keep the prognosis from getting worse.

What is Gum Recession? - Family Dental Care Darwin

A gum illness known as gum recession occurs when your gums move away from your teeth, exposing your teeth. Gum recession might hurt while brushing or chewing and increases your teeth's susceptibility to cavities. One or more teeth may be affected by mild, moderate, or severe gum recession.

Who is affected by gum recession? - Family Dental Care Darwin

  • Gum recession is a prevalent ailment, particularly in those over 65. Gum recession is more likely to occur if you:
  • possess periodontal disease
  • own a lip or tongue piercing.
  • worn braces or had orthodontic treatment
  • Chew on tobacco.

What is the frequency of gum recession? - Family Dental Care Darwin

Dental gum recession is a prevalent issue. In those over 65, 88% of cases of gum recession include one or more teeth.

What are the symptoms of gum recession? - Family Dental Care Darwin

The exposed tooth root is the most typical indicator of gum recession. Additional indicators of gum recession include:

  • soreness or pain in the vicinity of your gums.
  • Sensitivity to heat, sweetness, and cold.
  • sensitivity when brushing and flossing.
  • sensitivity after having teeth cleaned.
  • Gum recession can cause tooth loss or other oral health problems including tooth mobility. 

Call your dentist right away if you see any of the symptoms mentioned above.

What causes recession of gums? - Family Dental Care Darwin

For a variety of causes, your gums may recede. Several reasons of the gum recession include:

  • brushing too firmly or forcefully.
  • Tartar or dental plaque accumulation.
  • gum disease
  • damage or harm to the gingiva.
  • incorrect tooth alignment, or misalignment.
  • chewing or smoking tobacco.
  • tongue and/or lip piercings.


Periodontal diseases: Gingivitis, also referred to as gum disease, is a bacterial infection of the gums. As it worsens, the supporting bone surrounding your teeth may be destroyed. Your teeth are firmly anchored in place by gum tissue. Your genetic makeup may play a role in determining your susceptibility to gum disease. According to studies, gum recession affects 30% of people, regardless of how well they take care of their teeth.


If you live in Darwin, you are searching for Family Dental Care Darwin. It would be best if you considered Smith Street Dental. Call us to Book an Appointment: ‏‏‎ +61889819149


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