Tooth Decay Treatment In South Delhi

Published: 2025-02-26
Views: 23
Author: merakidental
Published in: Health & Fitness


Tooth Decay - Tooth Decay Treatment in South Delhi

Cavities, also called dental caries, are often caused by tooth decay. Meraki Dental Studio can fix your smile by treating tooth decay. Know more about Tooth Decay Treatment in South Delhi.

Tooth Decay, which is indirectly caused by food stuck between your teeth, eats away at your enamel, which makes a hole in your tooth. While you can't cure tooth decay, you can keep it from happening by brushing, flossing, and going to the doctor regularly.

Stages of Tooth Decay - Tooth Decay Treatment in South Delhi

As a dental problem, tooth decay is marked by damage to the enamel on the outside of the tooth. A hole in a tooth is caused by tooth decay that is not fixed. The germs in the plaque on your teeth, sugary foods and drinks, and not taking care of your mouth well can all lead to dental caries, which is another word for tooth decay. This problem can be very painful, and in some cases, the person may even lose a tooth.

The enamel on your teeth wears away when plaque builds up in your mouth. This is called tooth decay. Kids and young people are more likely to get plaque, but everyone is at risk. Tooth decay can lead to tooth pain, more dangerous infections, and even tooth loss if it is not treated.

What Are the Symptoms of Tooth Decay? - Tooth Decay Treatment in South Delhi

Stains on your teeth are the first sign that you have cavities. They can be brown or white. Cavities, or "holes," form on the surface of the teeth if the problem gets worse. If the deep layers of the teeth get cavities, they can also hurt the nerves in the roots and teeth too. This will make your teeth hurt. The signs of a cavity can be different based on the tooth's size and location.

Some of the most obvious signs of tooth loss are:

  • A hole in a tooth that can be seen
  • A toothache that can be dull or sharp
  • Being sensitive to how hot, cold, or sweet something is
  • Tooth that is discolored or stained
  • It hurts to chew or bite down.

What's the reason?

Tooth loss is usually caused by three things working together. Some of these are not taking care of your teeth properly, eating a lot of food, and plaque. Your teeth are protected by a hard layer of enamel. Foods that are sticky, sweet, or high in starch can damage your teeth by sticking to the enamel and making acids. These acids feed bacteria that break down the hard enamel on the outside of the tooth.

Germs and acid can get to the dentin more easily once they get past the enamel. Dentin isn't as strong against acid as enamel because it's weaker. If you don't fix it, the acid and bacteria will spread and make another hole in a tooth, either the same tooth or a different one. They will then move on to the pulp. The bacteria can make the pulp swell and get infected, which hurts and makes you feel bad. The pulp has nerves and blood vessels in it.

How to Keep Teeth From Decaying?

Tooth decay can't be cured, but good oral care can help keep it from happening. If you brush your teeth with fluoride toothpaste every day, you can lower the risk. It will help your enamel stay strong.

Using a toothbrush every day will help get rid of plaque, which has germs and acid that are bad for you. As our team says that people should brush their teeth at least twice a day, after every meal.

What you eat is also important. Cutting back on sugar can help keep your teeth healthy. You should also stay away from fruit juices, ketchup, candy, and soft drinks because they all have a lot of sugar. Going to the dentist regularly will also help you keep your teeth healthy because any tooth decay can be found early.


If you're searching for Tooth Decay Treatment in South Delhi, Meraki Dental Studio is ideal for achieving and maintaining your dental Health. Call Us at +919625678787 to Book an Appointment.


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