Tooth Fracture Treatment In South Delhi

Published: 2025-02-26
Views: 23
Author: merakidental
Published in: Health & Fitness


Correcting Cracks - Tooth Fracture Treatment in South Delhi

Most people in India who get dental accidents end up with cracked teeth. One of the main reasons people break their teeth is through trauma, like getting hurt in a car crash or while playing sports. Teeth can also get cracked for other reasons, like when they are old or when you grind your teeth or chew hard foods. Know more about Tooth Fracture Treatment in South Delhi.

When your teeth are cracked, you might feel pain that comes and goes all day. When you bite down, parts of the tooth move around, which hurts the pulp.

Some signs of cracked teeth are:

  • The gums around the tooth swell up
  • It hurts to bite and chew
  • Having a hard time with hot or cold foods or drinks

Because the pain isn't always the same, it can be hard to tell if a tooth is cracked. Please call Meraki Dental Studio if you think you have a broken tooth. Let's talk about the best way to help you and whether you need a root canal to feel better.

What makes teeth crack? - Tooth Fracture Treatment in South Delhi

One of the main reasons adults get cracked teeth is that they chew hard things like nuts or ice. Tooth breaks can also happen when your mouth temperature changes a lot, like when you drink hot coffee and then eat ice cream.

A broken tooth can happen if you get hit in the mouth by something during a game. Another way to break a tooth is to hit your mouth on something hard during a car crash. People over 50 are more likely to break their teeth, so age can help with the diagnosis.

Different Kinds of Broken Teeth - Tooth Fracture Treatment in South Delhi

There are different kinds of cracks that you might see, such as:

  • Broken cusps, which often happen near a filling and can make the tooth root hurt.
  • Those crazy lines, which are so small that most people don't need to be treated.
  • A split tooth is caused by damage that is so bad that only parts of the tooth can be saved.
  • Because the damage goes so deep into your lips, you may need to have the tooth pulled out if you have a vertical root fracture.

It can be hard to tell if a tooth root is broken or if there is another type of tooth fracture. They are not visible on X-rays, and some people don't feel the pain that comes with having a tooth crack. Our team will ask you to bite down and then look at your teeth through a magnifying glass to look for gum disease and other signs of bad dental health.

Fix a Broken Tooth's Root

A root canal treatment is the best way to fix a cracked tooth if the crack goes all the way down to the pulp. If your pulp is damaged, your endodontist will remove it and try to fix the tooth's structure. It's important to keep the base of the tooth strong and free of illness.

Dentists may use bonding to fix a broken tooth. This method uses resin or a tooth-colored filler to close the crack. Sometimes, your endodontist may recommend both a root treatment and a crown. A crown is a piece of porcelain or clay that goes over a broken or cracked tooth to fix your smile. If the cracks in your teeth are small and don't cause any signs or problems, your endodontist may suggest that you just watch them and go in for regular checkups.

If you're searching for Tooth Fracture Treatment in South Delhi, Meraki Dental Studio is ideal for achieving and maintaining your dental Health. Call Us at +919625678787 to Book an Appointment.


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