
Cosmetic Dentist In Chembur

Published: 2023-10-13
Views: 126
Author: cosmecared
Published in: Health & Fitness

Our Team of Cosmetic Dentists in Chembur believes that everyone should be happy with the way their teeth look. As a result, our team provides total smile makeovers, Invisalign® clear aligners, teeth whitening, porcelain veneers, and dental bonding and contouring. 

Cosmetic Dentistry Services - Cosmetic Dentist in Chembur

Smile Makeover - Cosmetic Dentist in Chembur

Accidents, dental problems, and other difficulties may have made your smile less than ideal throughout your life. At Cosmecare Dentistry, a smile makeover is a personalised treatment plan combining cosmetic and restorative dental operations that will help improve the appearance of your teeth — as well as the general health of your mouth. Teeth whitening (at-home or in-office treatments), cosmetic veneers, straightening, bonding, and contouring, and replacing outdated metal fillings with composite resin or porcelain are all possible components of a smile makeover. Dental restorations such as crowns or bridges to repair a missing tooth or teeth could also be part of your smile makeover. 

Invisalign - Cosmetic Dentist in Chembur

Straight teeth are not only more appealing, but they are also healthier and more pleasant. Crooked teeth and an incorrect bite can lead to long-term dental issues that are painful and costly to correct. This is why our cosmetic dentists in chembur are excited to provide Invisalign – removable, transparent tooth aligners — to their patients. Invisalign is more appealing and pleasant than traditional metal braces since it is custom designed for your teeth and unique needs. It can also be removed to make cleaning and eating easier. 

Porcelain Veneers - Cosmetic Dentist in Chembur

Porcelain veneers from Cosmecare Dentistry are a quick solution to improve your smile and conceal chipped, crooked, decaying, or stained teeth. Dental veneers are thin porcelain shells that are affixed to the front of your teeth to improve their overall appearance. Our cosmetic dentists in chembur can assist alter the colour, size, form, or length of your teeth with customised and minimal-prep veneers. 

Dental bonding and contouring - Cosmetic Dentist in Chembur

Accidents occur. You could suffer a terrible tumble and chip a tooth. A tooth can also become discoloured due to a variety of factors, such as medicine or sickness. At our clinic, our cosmetic dentists in chembur provide dental bonding and contouring to remedy minor cosmetic faults. Bonding and contouring is a quick but efficient cosmetic treatment that uses composite resin (the same material used for tooth-colored fillings) to conceal tooth discolouration, close gaps between teeth, lengthen a tooth, or even change the contour of a tooth.


If you live in Chembur and are searching for Cosmetic Dentist in Chembur, you should consider Cosmecare Dentistry. It is in your best interest to choose a trustworthy Dental Clinic. Contact us at +91-8779-689-297 to book an Appointment.


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