Gum Treatments In Bharuch

Published: 2023-10-23
Views: 313
Author: drsindha
Published in: Health & Fitness

What is Gum Disease? - Gum Treatments in Bharuch

Gum disease, sometimes periodontal disease, is an infection of the tissues surrounding and supporting your teeth. The bacteria that cause the sickness are present in the plaque that builds up on your teeth.


Gum disease can cause anything from mild gum irritation to significant bone and tissue damage. Gum disease comes in two forms:

Gingivitis - Gum Treatments in Bharuch

Gingivitis, the mildest gum disease, is characterized by red, swollen, and potentially bleeding gums. The illness is curable at this stage and typically goes away with expert care and good oral hygiene.

Periodontitis - Gum Treatments in Bharuch

If treatment is not received, gingivitis can develop into periodontitis, characterized by the gums pushing away from the teeth and forming pockets. Because of their susceptibility to infection, these areas are more likely to experience bone and tissue degradation and, eventually, tooth loss.


Why does gum disease occur? - Gum Treatments in Bharuch

Plaque-associated bacteria are the source of gum disease. 

 Furthermore, the following factors increase your risk of gum disease:

  • maintain bad dental hygiene
  • Chew or smoke tobacco
  • Diabetic
  • possess difficult-to-keep teeth with uneven shapes
  • are experiencing changes in their hormones, such as menopause and pregnancy.
  • Possess a family history of gum disease.

How is gum disease treated? - Gum Treatments in Bharuch

Treatment for gum disease is based on the disease's stage. While professional teeth cleaning is typically effective in treating gingivitis, Our Team offers a range of nonsurgical and surgical options to address advanced gum disease. Among the nonsurgical techniques are:


Laser gum treatment

This treatment, known as laser periodontal therapy, uses powerful light to remove the gum tissue inflamed around the teeth's roots. Lasers can target sick areas while sparing healthy tissue precisely.


Root planing and scaling

This is a two-step procedure that is specific to deep cleaning. Cleaning up the periodontal pockets of plaque and tartar is the first step. Our Team then smoothes the roots to prevent bacteria growth, and the gums can heal and reattach.

Suppose you live in Bharuch and Searching for Gum Treatments in Bharuch. It would be best to consider Dr. Sindha Dental Clinic. They provide the best dental services in Bharuch. Call us to book an Appointment: 094294 58558.


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