
Gums Care In Pregnancy

Published: 2023-10-26
Views: 104
Author: adcdelhi
Published in: Health & Fitness

A woman's pregnancy is a wonderful time in her life. Gum disease, however, is one of the several physiological changes that the body experiences during pregnancy and is highly prevalent. Between 60 and 70 percent of expectant mothers experience gum disease.


Pregnancy gingivitis, commonly known as gum disease during pregnancy, is characterised by gum swelling and inflammation as well as bleeding when brushing or flossing. Pregnant women are more susceptible to an increase in oral bacterial development due to the high amounts of progesterone hormone, which can seriously damage oral health. Plaque then accumulates as a result of this, irritating the gums and making them sore and tender. Women who are pregnant may be more prone to cavities and gum disease. Periodic vomiting or acid reflux, cravings for sweets, and gargling all make pregnancy-related gum disease worse.


Given all that pregnant women experience, dental health may not always be a top concern. consequently the elevated risk of illnesses associated with pregnancy. Gum disease should not be ignored; rather, it should be treated as a top priority.

Symptoms of pregnancy gingivitis may include - Gums Care in Pregnancy

  • swollen gums
  • soft, swollen gums
  • receding gums from brushing or flossing that bleed
  • Other painful and irritating signs of poor dental hygiene include canker sores or bad breath on the tongue, lips, or inside of the cheeks.

Women who are expecting are more likely to have the symptoms in the second trimester of their pregnancy. In addition to causing gum disease, poor oral hygiene during pregnancy can lead to periodontitis, or the reduced health of the tissue around the tooth, which can lead to tooth loss. It also has some impacts on pregnancy. It may also result in low birth weight preterm births in some situations.


Consequently, pregnant women should always practise vigorous mouth hygiene techniques. Pregnancy gingivitis may typically be reversed after delivery with strict oral hygiene practises. But not doing so makes the illness worse. See the dentist right away to get guidance on how to stop the problem in its tracks. It is safe to visit the dentist when pregnant. First and foremost, let your dentist know that you are expecting a child. This alerts the dentist to take the appropriate safety measures for a pregnant patient. It is not recommended to lie on one's back in a dentist chair during the third trimester.


If you want Gums Care in Pregnancy, consult Advanced Dental Clinic in East Delhi. We have a team of the best dental surgeons in Delhi. Call us to book an Appointment: +91 9599 173 134.


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