
Orthognathic Surgery

Published: 2023-11-25
Views: 70
Author: smayatede
Published in: Health & Fitness

With today's sophisticated dental and orthodontic techniques, issues with the bite or tooth alignment can often be resolved. But sometimes, even with the most advanced non-surgical methods, treating skeletal and dental abnormalities isn't so simple. At that point, orthognathic surgery, often known as corrective jaw surgery, might be advised.


Even though jaw surgery sounds like a difficult and involved procedure, it's not often that bad. It's frequently done as a standard in-office surgery, like when dental implants are inserted into the jaw or impacted wisdom teeth (molars that partially protrude through the gums) are extracted. On the other hand, it can also be utilised to treat serious orthodontic issues pertaining to the interaction between the jaws and teeth, such as the correction of congenital abnormalities (birth defects) connected to jaw development and underbites (the most common surgical correction). Even worse, potentially fatal sleep apnea can be treated with it.


An oral and maxillofacial surgeon, who completes the traditional four years of dentistry school, spends four years in a hospital-based residency programme before performing orthodontic surgery. There, we dental surgeons receive training in emergency medicine, general surgery, and anesthesiology with other medical and surgical residents. As a matter of fact, we are the only physicians who can provide general anaesthesia and all sedation levels other than anesthesiologists.

Who Can Benefit From Jaw (Orthognathic) Surgery

Orthognathic surgery, often known as jaw surgery, may be beneficial for those who experience difficulty chewing, speaking, sleeping, or doing daily tasks due to jaw disorders, teeth alignment issues, or facial asymmetries. Additionally, aesthetic problems like a projecting jaw, a congenital deformity, or an uneven face appearance can be corrected with these operations.


We can determine whether you are a good candidate for orthognathic surgery after a comprehensive examination in our clinic and maybe a visit with your general dentist or orthodontist. Generally speaking, you will begin with orthodontic treatment if it is able to resolve the issue. Even though orthodontics is a beneficial treatment for aligning teeth, occasionally realigning the jaws is also necessary. To guarantee that you get an efficient—and aesthetically beautiful—result, orthodontic tools, such braces and retainers, are typically worn both before and after the surgical phase of treatment.


The following conditions can be effectively corrected with corrective orthognathic surgery:

  • Open mouth, pronounced jaw, or retracted chin
  • birth abnormalities like a cleft palate
  • Malocclusions, or bite issues, brought on by weak or excessive bites
  • When less drastic measures are ineffective, obstructive sleep apnea may develop.
  • inability to bite, chew, or swallow food
  • jaw joint or chronic jaw (TMJ) aching and headache
  • uneven appearance of the face from the side or front
  • unable to bring lips together naturally Dry mouth and chronic mouth breathing
  • facial injuries


If you're searching for Orthognathic Surgery and know whom you can trust, don't hesitate to contact Smayate Dental Clinic in South Delhi at +911141078808 to schedule your initial consultation.







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