
Dental Clinic In South Delhi

Published: 2023-12-06
Views: 113
Author: merakidental
Published in: Health & Fitness

Dental implants are the most effective way to replace lost teeth - Dental Clinic in South Delhi

Dental implants, which serve as prosthetic tooth roots for dental bridges or replacement teeth, are surgically inserted into the mandible. These tiny titanium posts provide a long-lasting replacement for lost teeth by providing a sturdy base for prosthetic teeth.

The Dental Implant Placement Process - Dental Clinic in South Delhi

To find out if you're a good candidate for dental implants, your dentist will first perform a comprehensive examination of your mouth. To determine bone density and make sure there is adequate support for the implant, this may involve X-rays or CT scans. Before the implant procedure starts, any remaining damaged teeth will then be pulled, if necessary. Fear not—local anaesthetic is used during this phase to ensure  minimal discomfort during the procedure.


A titanium post will be surgically inserted into your jawbone following extraction (if necessary). For the replacement tooth or teeth that will eventually be affixed to it, this serves as a strong foundation. Usually carried out in an office setting, the procedure itself might take several hours, depending on the number of implants being inserted. After surgery, the jawbone bonds with the implanted post during a healing process known as osseointegration. Although it typically takes many months, this procedure guarantees the utmost security and lifespan of your replacement tooth or teeth. Following osseointegration, each implant post has an abutment (connection) fastened to it, to which custom-made crowns or bridges are affixed. 

The Benefits of Dental Implants - Dental Clinic in South Delhi

Dental implants are the finest option for replacing missing teeth since they have so many advantages.

  • Dental implants, first and foremost, offer a long-lasting and permanent solution. In contrast to dentures or bridges, which are other tooth replacement choices, implants are made to bond with the jawbone, giving prosthetic teeth a firm base. This indicates that they won't slip or move when subjected to typical biting and chewing forces.
  • Furthermore, dental implants have the same texture and appearance as real teeth. A natural-looking smile is ensured by the custom-made crowns' ability to blend in perfectly with your natural teeth through colour matching. Additionally, you can eat all of your favourite meals without worrying about limitations or discomfort because they are firmly fixed in the jawbone.
  • The capacity of dental implants to maintain bone health is another important advantage. The underlying jawbone may gradually weaken once a tooth is lost as a result of lack of stimulation. Because they preserve face structure, stop bone loss, and resemble natural tooth roots, implants aid in the stimulation of bone growth.


If you're searching for a Dental Clinic in South Delhi, Meraki Dental Studio is ideal for achieving and maintaining your dental Health. Call Us at +919625678787 to Book an Appointment.


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