
Dental Implants In Delhi

Published: 2023-12-06
Views: 87
Author: merakidental
Published in: Health & Fitness

What is a Dental Implant? - Dental Implants in Delhi

Saying that a dental implant can replace a tooth on its own is untrue; a crown, bridge, or denture that is later placed on the implant can do that task instead. The implant itself, which can have a screw-like form or be cylindrical, functions more like a tooth root by holding the restoration in place in the jaw and giving the bone the stimulation it needs to keep from deteriorating. The restoration and implant are joined by a component known as an abutment.

4 Step Dental Implant Process - Dental Implants in Delhi

All dental implant procedures are handled in-house at Meraki Dental Studio. Our in-house oral surgeons and the team you already know will handle everything from beginning to end, so you don't have to worry about having a stranger operate on your smile. Although there are differences between each implant treatment, the procedure can typically be broken down into four main parts. 

Initial Dental Implant Consultation – Dental Implants in Delhi

We assess whether implants are a good fit for your mouth during the dental implant consultation and adjust the course of action accordingly. We will assess your mouth and other facial structures that may have an impact on implant placement using the most recent dental technology. We might conclude that preparatory effort is necessary. This may entail teeth extractions, gum disease treatment, or bone grafting. We can proceed to the following phase if these procedures are completed and it is decided that your mouth is healthy enough for a small operation.

Dental Implant Surgery – Dental Implants in Delhi

We shall numb your mouth before starting the process. We make an incision to expose the bone through the gum tissue. The implants will be positioned at precise angles in the mouth, allowing them to fully fuse with the bone and provide the necessary support for your eventual restoration. Each implant will have a protective cap placed over it to keep it safe while the gums heal. The incisions will be sutured shut.

Dental Implant Osseointegration & Abutment

The bone tissue surrounding the implant will begin to grow while your mouth heals from implant surgery, eventually fusing with it. This process, known as osseointegration, requires three to six months. (The precise length of time may differ depending on the number of implants you receive and your health.) The placement of implants depends on successful osseointegration, therefore if there are any unexpected developments, you should contact us right once.

Delivery of Dental Implant Restoration(s)

After the implants are properly bonded to the jaw, we will take a mouth imprint. The crown, bridge, or denture will be created in a dental lab to closely resemble your own teeth. We will arrange a final appointment to install your restoration to your implant posts as soon as we receive it. You'll be able to confidently talk at your next meeting and dine at your favourite restaurants once your smile is complete again.


If you're searching for a Dental Implants in Delhi, Meraki Dental Studio is ideal for achieving and maintaining your dental Health. Call Us at +919625678787 to Book an Appointment.


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