
Tooth Coloured Fillings Noida

Published: 2023-12-11
Views: 83
Author: cdsnoida
Published in: Health & Fitness

What are tooth-Coloured fillings? - Tooth Coloured Fillings Noida

Bacteria attacking the enamel causes dental cavities, a common issue. Dentists used to fill cavities with amalgam, a substance made of a combination of metals such as mercury and silver. We now understand that the mercury in these fillings is hazardous to your general health and that they don't adhere properly to the teeth. Our team at Complete Dental Solutions in Noida fills cavities and shields the tooth using composite resin-based tooth-Coloured fillings. For a more dependable and attractive cavity treatment, our staff can also remove metal fillings and replace them with composite resin fillings.

Who is the best candidate for tooth-Coloured fillings? - Tooth Coloured Fillings Noida

Once our staff has cleaned the tooth, tooth-Coloured fillings usually cover the decaying area in the tooth's enamel. Because of its versatility, composite resin can be used to treat a variety of dental problems, including cracks and enamel erosion caused by bruxism (tooth grinding). Fillings can be utilised on both the front and back teeth for excellent results because the composite resin is coloured to match your teeth. See our staff about having any metal fillings removed and having composite resin inserted in their place.

What to expect with a tooth-Coloured filling? - Tooth Coloured Fillings Noida

At Complete Dental Solutions, fillings are often completed quickly. To make you feel more comfortable, a local anaesthetic will be used to numb the region around the cavity. If you have any worries or fears related to dentistry, our staff may think about using stronger sedation techniques to help you stay calm throughout the process. After you're ready, our staff will choose a dental drill based on the location of the cavity and the degree of decay to cure the damaged enamel. The tooth is cleaned and the enamel removed before composite material is applied and cemented using a special light. To make the filling blend nicely with your natural teeth, our staff will polish it.


If you live in Noida and are looking for Tooth Coloured Fillings Noida, you should consider Complete Dental Solutions. We offer the best services. Call us at 91-9315658190. Book an Appointment.


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