
Wisdom Teeth: Effects, Removal, And Recuperation - Best Dental Clinic In Chembur

Published: 2023-12-16
Views: 80
Author: cosmecared
Published in: Health & Fitness

An Introduction to Wisdom Teeth: Effects, Removal, and Recuperation - Best Dental Clinic in Chembur

While it's hard to determine if we can become wiser as we get older, one thing is certain: we do get wisdom teeth. As we mature and reach adulthood, our mouths undergo similar developmental changes to our lives. The last straw in this evolutionary process comes with the emergence of third molars between the ages of 17 and 21: two on top and two on top to complete the entire pack of 32. And because they erupt at the same time as we mature, these third molars are known as wisdom teeth.

Since molars are the hardest teeth in our mouth and are used to ground food, having a third molar is advantageous, right?

Yes, wisdom teeth can be beneficial if and only if they erupt in the mouth in a manner similar to that of the other teeth, but this is not usually the case.

Potential Problems with Wisdom Teeth - Best Dental Clinic in Chembur

The wisdom teeth might not have enough room to grow and develop to their full potential because the majority of the teeth have already fully developed and are positioned. These spatial problems could change their location and angle, leaving them open to being struck by nearby molars. They can become lodged in the gums or jaws in rare instances, leading to pain and other dental issues. The impacted wisdom teeth can lead to the following issues:

  • Due to the impacted wisdom teeth's ability to change positions and angles, they may affect neighbouring teeth, raising the possibility of infection and other orthodontic issues.
  • Because of their location, they are difficult to effectively clean, which raises the risk of tooth decay.
  • Gum disease risk is increased in wisdom teeth that are partially erupted and covered in gum tissue.
  • Any condition, such as the development of a cyst in the jawbone sac where the wisdom teeth is developing, may cause bone and tissue to be removed.

Wisdom Tooth Extraction - Best Dental Clinic in Chembur

The most popular method for treating issues brought on by wisdom teeth is extraction, which is carried out by a dental implant specialist or oral dentist. Depending on how severe the symptoms are, both upper and lower wisdom tooth extractions are carried out.

Procedure for Wisdom Tooth Extraction - Best Dental Clinic in Chembur

The degree to which the wisdom tooth has emerged from the jawline determines the course of action for its extraction. The dental expert performs the two treatments listed below:

  • Simple extraction: If the wisdom tooth has fully erupted, a simple extraction is done. After numbing the gums, the tooth is extracted, the region is cleansed, and any bleeding is stopped.
  • Surgical extraction: When the tooth is still beneath the gum line, a surgical extraction is done. After administering anaesthetic, the surgeon extracts the tooth, makes an incision in the gum, and removes the troublesome bone before suturing the wound. Because the operation is a straightforward outpatient procedure, the patient can go home the same day they are put under anaesthesia.


If you live in Chembur and are searching for Best Dental Clinic in Chembur, you should consider Cosmecare Dentistry. It is in your best interest to choose a trustworthy Dental Clinic. Contact us at +91-8779-689-297 to book an Appointment.

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