Third Molar Extraction In Airoli

Published: 2023-12-29
Views: 310
Author: sksmiledent
Published in: Health & Fitness

A lot of people need to have their wisdom teeth, or third molars, extracted. Risks and complications are a possibility with any surgical treatment. A patient and their dentist should decide whether to remove a third molar.

Is extraction of the wisdom teeth required? - Third Molar Extraction in Airoli

When wisdom teeth are in good health and the right place, they can be a great asset to the mouth. But frequently, issues arise that call for their elimination. Wisdom teeth may become impacted, meaning they are either misplaced or unable to erupt, if the jaw is not big enough to accept them. Wisdom teeth can erupt partially through the gum line, develop sideways, or stay buried beneath the bone and gums.

Third molar extraction is typically advised:

  • When wisdom teeth erupt partially; When there's a possibility that misaligned wisdom teeth can cause harm to neighbouring teeth; When a cyst, or sac filled with fluid, forms and destroys surrounding tissue like tooth roots or bone, among other things.
  • Because their mouth is too tiny for the wisdom teeth to usually erupt behind the second molar into a healthy position, people most frequently decide to have their wisdom teeth removed. 

This could lead to any of the following circumstances - Third Molar Extraction in Airoli

  • when all of the wisdom teeth's bone is covered, a condition known as total bone impaction. The "developmental sack" in which all teeth form will remain fully encased in the tooth once it has grown entirely out of bone. This sack may shift, grow, and eventually form into a cyst later in life. The jaw bone will suffer as a result of this cyst's enlargement. A pathologist ought to remove and evaluate these cysts.
  • When teeth emerge partially but are unable to fully erupt, this is known as partial bone impaction. In this scenario, the lower third molars typically lean forward with only a portion of the crown showing through the gums, whereas the upper third molars are typically positioned towards the cheek. 

The most frequent side effect of partial bony impaction is a pocket where oral bacteria can thrive and lead to an infection called pericoronitis. This pocket is created by the flap of gum tissue that partially covers the emerging third molar. Severe infection and edoema are possible. The third molar tooth extraction is the course of treatment for pericoronitis.


If you live in Airoli, you should consider SK Smile Dental Clinic. They provide the Third Molar Extraction in Airoli. Call us to Book an Appointment: +91-8291883844.


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