
Tooth Extractions In Parel

Published: 2024-01-10
Views: 78
Author: worldsmiledc
Published in: Health & Fitness

Over 74% of individuals have had at least one tooth pulled at some time in their life, defying conventional perception that extractions are less common than people realise. For several reasons, you might need to have a tooth pulled, but the main objective is always to preserve your smile and general oral health. You may feel secure knowing that your tooth extractions are done successfully and professionally thanks to the expertise of our dentists. Too much time spent with a problematic tooth in the jaw can lead to discomfort, future issues, and even interfere with daily living. 

Why You May Need Tooth Extractions - Tooth Extractions in Parel

Tooth Decay

In cases when dental implants are required to replace failing teeth, extractions of the damaged teeth may be necessary. This will clear the way for the placement of the dental implants.

Oral Trauma

In order to preserve their oral health and alleviate suffering, patients who have had serious dental damage due to accidents or oral trauma may require tooth extractions.

Gum (Periodontal) Disease

Teeth that are loose and moving can be attributed to damage to the gums and jaw bone in those with severe gum disease. You can begin the process of achieving good dental health by having these teeth removed.


It may be necessary for patients who require orthodontic treatment and have very crowded teeth in their jaw to have the teeth that are obstructing their alignment removed.

Trust our Team for Tooth Extractions - Tooth Extractions in Parel

To make sure that there are no issues following a tooth extraction, you should always consult with professionals in the area. For oral surgeons, tooth extractions—including the extraction of wisdom teeth—are routine procedures that our staff carries out on a daily basis. More than 3,000 teeth are routinely extracted by our specialists each year, and they are qualified and experienced to handle any issues that may come up. We take great satisfaction in our ability to remove teeth and replace them with dental implants in a compassionate and welcoming setting.


If you live in Parel and want Tooth Extractions in Parel, consider World Smiles Dental Center. Call us to Book an Appointment: +91-7738583037


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