Kids Dental Treatment Delhi

Published: 2024-01-18
Views: 278
Author: smayatede
Published in: Health & Fitness

Tooth decay is not limited to children of school age. ECC can start as early as six months of age and give your kid a great deal of pain.


The whole dental team at Smayate Dental Clinic are dedicated to supporting and maintaining their children's oral health. Your children's confident smiles will last for years thanks to our comprehensive range of family dentistry treatments. 

Fluoride treatments - Kids Dental Treatment Delhi

It might not be sufficient to safeguard your child's teeth even if you are currently using fluoride toothpaste. Teeth lose portion of their enamel layer every day. Fluoride is a mineral that strengthens enamel and has the ability to repair teeth that have already been damaged. Because fluoride is so vital to dental health, municipal water sources frequently include it in their composition. 


However, fluoridated tap water and toothpaste might not be sufficient to prevent cavities in young children. Several studies show how important dental fluoride treatments are in avoiding tooth decay that can be harmful. Furthermore, early fluoridation treatments can contribute to the safety of permanent teeth. 


Fluoride treatments are especially crucial if your kid is at high risk of tooth decay owing to lifestyle or health issues, or if your tap water isn't fluoridated. 

Sealants - Kids Dental Treatment Delhi

Our Team uses thin plastic coatings called sealants to fill in the hard-to-reach crevices and crannies of your child's rear molars, which are responsible for more than 90% of cavities. This crucial procedure protects shield teeth from developing cavities, improving long-term dental health. Sealants are applied in a matter of minutes and don't cause any pain. 

Regular professional exams and cleanings - Kids Dental Treatment Delhi

Even though it's simple to assume that your infant or young child, with only a few teeth, doesn't require routine dental exams and cleanings, one of the most crucial preventive measures you can take to help ensure your child's best oral health is to make and adhere to dentist appointments. 


All children should get regular dental checkups and cleanings by the time they become one year old or when their first tooth appears, according to the Indian Dental Association. During these crucial consultations, Our Team may assess your child's oral health and administer crucial preventive care, such as fluoride and sealants. 


If you're searching for Kids Dental Treatment Delhi, you know whom you can trust, please contact Smayate Dental Clinic South Delhi at +911141078808 to schedule your initial consultation.

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