Repeat Root Canal In HSR Layout Bangalore

Published: 2024-01-23
Views: 271
Author: blrdents
Published in: Health & Fitness

When Repeat Root Canal Treatment is Needed? - Repeat Root Canal in HSR Layout Bangalore

90% to 95% of root canal treatments are successful. Sometimes the root canal fails and the infection comes back. Under these conditions, endodontic re-treatment may be necessary. 


Reopening your tooth for endodontic retreatment allows you to clean, sanitise, and restructure the canals and chamber in an effort to preserve your tooth. Every patient at Bangalore Dental Specialists is carefully evaluated for risk factors. When necessary, we assess your needs and choose the optimal course of therapy using 3D imaging (CBCT scans).  


The ideal people to do endodontic re-treatment are endodontists. After dental school, endodontists pursue two or more more years of specialised training to focus on treating tooth pain and performing root canals. An endodontist is the most qualified person to carry out these treatments, so you can relax knowing you're receiving the best care available.


Although it is uncommon for root canals to not heal adequately, the following situations might lead to complications:

  • canals that are calcified or small and were not addressed at first
  • intricate root structure
  • postponing the final restoration's location
  • Leakage of bacteria as a result of insufficient final repair
  • fresh deterioration
  • a fractured, loose, or cracked crown that lets germs into the teeth
  • Breakage

Frequently Asked Questions About Repeat Root Canal Treatment - Repeat Root Canal in HSR Layout Bangalore

Do root canals require reapplication? - Repeat Root Canal in HSR Layout Bangalore

A root canal procedure often lasts a lifetime. Sometimes a tooth will re-infect, requiring a further root canal, also known as endodontic re-treatment.


Can a root canal not hold up after 20 years? - Repeat Root Canal in HSR Layout Bangalore

It is possible for root canals to fail months or even years following treatment. This might be due to a number of factors, such as a cracked tooth, loose crowns, or newly developing rot beneath crowns.


Is re-treatment with a root canal effective?

Re-treatment of a root canal can be successful up to 90% of the time, depending on the situation. Selecting a knowledgeable endodontist improves the chances of a favourable result.


If you live in Bangalore, you are searching for Repeat Root Canal in HSR Layout Bangalore. It would be best if you considered Bangalore Dental Specialists. Call us to Book an Appointment: ‏‏‎ 08956781555


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