
Dr Surbhi Sejpal Dentist Chembur Mumbai

Published: 2024-02-26
Views: 49
Author: cosmecared
Published in: Health & Fitness

Signs That Your Teeth Need to Be Filled 

Are you unsure about the need for a dental filling? Certainty will come from your routine exam, but be alert for symptoms such as toothaches, temperature sensitivity, fissures evident, dark areas, or swollen and bleeding gums. These indicate when a dental filling is warranted. 

What Use Do Dental Fillings Serve? 

Dental fillings are the treatment for cavities, which are tiny but significant holes in teeth. We remove decay expertly and replace it with a substance that prevents decay in the future and protects the tooth's interior structures and root from microorganisms. Discover the strength and health that our fillings provide for your teeth.

Do Dental Fillings Cause Pain? 

Are you worried that the filling procedure may hurt? Do not be alarmed. Most dental fillings are painless when local anaesthetic is used. Anaesthesia might not even be necessary for small cavities. For a more pleasant visit, feel free to share any worries you may have with our dentists in advance. 

How is the filling process carried out? 

The composite resin used for bonding or filling mostly mimics the color of your teeth. It is applied to fill cavities or bind teeth together. It works wonders for bringing about modifications that are visually appealing as well. The resin composite is designed to look natural and integrate in after it has been applied. With appropriate maintenance, it can endure for 7-8 years after curing and forming a strong bond.

Schedule Your Dental Filling Appointment Today

Do not delay if you think you may have a cavity. For a thorough assessment, get in touch with Cosmecare Dentistry's Dr Surbhi Sejpal Dentist Chembur Mumbai and her team. We are able to provide top-notch dental care because of our years of experience and dedication to patient welfare. In addition to filling cavities, we also improve your oral health in general. Make an appointment right now and let us help you regain your smile! 


Suppose you live in Chembur and Searching for best dentist, Dr Surbhi Sejpal Dentist Chembur Mumbai is the best choice for you. It would be best if you should consider Cosmecare Dentistry. It is in your best interest to choose a trustworthy Dental Clinic. Contact us at +91-8779-689-297 to book an Appointment.


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