
Kids Dental Treatment Parel Mumbai

Published: 2024-03-06
Views: 37
Author: worldsmiledc
Published in: Health & Fitness

Common Procedures Performed By Pediatric Dentists - Kids Dental Treatment Parel Mumbai

Pediatric dentists are experts in the condition and maintenance of children's teeth. During routine examinations, they remove plaque and tartar, correct cavities with crowns or fillings, and fix orthodontic problems with braces or retainers. Pediatric dentists also keep an eye on your child's tooth development. 

Dental Cleanings - Kids Dental Treatment Parel Mumbai

No matter how old (or young) the patient is, professional dental cleanings are crucial to their long-term oral health! Children should go to the dentist for a comprehensive cleaning and examination at least once every six months, just like their parents do. Even while baby teeth will eventually fall out, they still need to be treated with the same level of care as adult teeth. 


The pediatric dentist uses specialized tools to remove tartar and plaque buildup during your child's routine dental cleaning. These are specially made instruments for tiny mouths, like those of youngsters. In addition, we will apply fluoride treatments and conduct X-rays.

Fluoride Treatment- Kids Dental Treatment Parel Mumbai

An integral component of contemporary dentistry is fluoride. Cavities arise from a weakening of the mineral composition of dental enamel. Fluoride strengthens the enamel and keeps teeth from decaying by restoring areas that have become decalcified. 


Because of this, we always advise using fluoridated toothpaste (just make sure to use a pea-sized amount!). This is also the rationale for the fluoride treatment your child's pediatric dentist will apply during regular exams. 

Cavity Treatment - Kids Dental Treatment Parel Mumbai

One of the most frequent dental procedures that children dentists do is cavity treatment. Tooth decay affects most kids for a variety of reasons. For instance, they are more likely to get cavities because their primary teeth are weaker than adult teeth. Children also tend to eat and drink more sugary meals and beverages. 


The bacteria that currently reside in the mouth are fed by this increased sugar consumption. Tooth decay results from the bacteria's production of an acid that erodes the tooth enamel. Cavities must be treated as soon as possible to prevent more serious harm. Thankfully, fillings are a simple, fast treatment for the majority of cavities.

Dental Crowns - Kids Dental Treatment Parel Mumbai

For dental damage, fillings are not the only option. Another typical restorative dental treatment for children is dental crowns. They handle serious conditions such deep cavities, infections, trauma damage, and shattered teeth. With a dental crown, your child may eat again without experiencing any pain, and it will look just like their original teeth. 


If you live in Parel and searching for Kids Dental Treatment Parel Mumbai, consider World Smiles Dental Center. Call us to Book an Appointment: +91-7738583037


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