Know Everything About Sinus Lift - Sinus Lift Treatment Delhi

Published: 2024-03-10
Views: 278
Author: smayatede
Published in: Health & Fitness

What is a sinus lift? - Sinus Lift Treatment Delhi

When the upper jaw's molars (back teeth) are missing or need to be extracted, bone support dental implants are insufficient, and a sinus lift is a surgical operation. 


This treatment can give you dental implants if you don't have enough bone in your upper jaw. 


The maxillary sinus floor is raised during the procedure, and bone graft material is inserted to fill the space. The bone graft material will eventually solidify and blend in with your bone, encouraging the formation of new bone and increasing bone density.


The maxillary sinuses are the portion of the sinus system closest to your upper jaw and teeth out of all the other components. 


Other names for this technique include "maxillary sinus floor augmentation," "sinus augmentation," "sinus elevation," and "sinus graft."

Why might I need a sinus lift? - Sinus Lift Treatment Delhi

A sinus lift is necessary when the upper jaw's height and thickness are insufficient to support a dental implant or when the sinuses are too near to the upper jaw. By doing this, dental implants are guaranteed to be solid and durable. 


Although osseointegration is the process of dental implants merging with the surrounding jawbone, proper implant placement necessitates a specific amount (and quality) of bone before the operation.

Sinus lift procedure - Sinus Lift Treatment Delhi

Before the procedure

Your dentition (tooth) will be thoroughly examined, and digital radiographs (X-rays) such as an OPG (orthopantomogram) and a 3D Cone Beam CT scan will be taken. This will enable us to precisely measure the height and width of your existing bone and examine the structure of your jaw and sinus region.


What steps are in the process?

  • The sinus cavity is shown by pushing up on a little "window" that is formed in the upper jawbone.
  • The sinus membrane (floor) is gradually raised, or "lifted," away from your jaw until the ideal jaw height is achieved.
  • The bone graft material is then poured into the empty cavity.
  • After the new bone is positioned, the gum tissue is stitched shut and given time to recover.


If you're looking for Sinus Lift Treatment Delhi and know whom to trust, please call Smayate Dental Clinic South Delhi at +911141078808 to schedule your initial consultation.


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