Pyorrhoea Treatment Chandigarh

Published: 2024-03-13
Views: 190
Author: bristlesde
Published in: Health & Fitness

The advanced form of gingivitis, or swollen gums, is called periodontitis, or pyorrhoea. If you don't take adequate care of this condition and its progression, it can have highly dangerous effects on your dental health.

Why does periodontitis occur? - Pyorrhoea Treatment Chandigarh

A dangerous gum illness called periodontitis weakens the bone that holds your teeth in place while also damaging the soft tissues.


Early symptoms of the condition include a mild reddening and swelling of the gums in regions where bacterial plaque, or tartar, has accumulated. The space that is created between the tooth and the gum is called a periodontal pocket, and it is created as the illness advances.


The patient runs the following risks if periodontitis is left untreated: 

  • Bleeding gums
  • Soreness and edema
  • Disgusting breath
  • Dropping gingiva
  • Missing teeth
  •  Loss of bone from the affected jaw
  • Tooth loss

How is periodontitis treated? - Pyorrhoea Treatment Chandigarh

The disinfection of all tissues is necessary to get rid of periodontitis. The method for doing this varies according on the disease's stage. 

Planing and scraping, or curatettage 

Here, the tartar that has collected in the periodontal pockets is completely eliminated. Simple professional cleaning can treat mild to moderate symptoms of periodontal inflammation. 

All of the bacterial plaque that has built up under your gums is removed during this cleaning. But it's crucial to adhere to your dentist's advice if you want to ensure that the treatment is successful. 

Following periodontal curettage, maintaining excellent oral and dental hygiene is crucial to reducing swelling and preventing the spread of infection.



For gum difficulties, we therefore advise using interdental brushes or floss in conjunction with a particular toothpaste, either with or without chlorhexidine. This will assist in preventing infection throughout therapy. Antibiotics may be recommended in cases of highly advanced infections to ensure total eradication of the illness. 


Every three or six months following monitoring, your dentist will examine the afflicted area to evaluate your status and make sure everything is proceeding according to plan. 

Surgical treatment for periodontitis - Pyorrhoea Treatment Chandigarh

A periodontal surgical procedure will be necessary if the disease has progressed to the point where curettage is no longer effective. To get a better look at the impacted areas, this treatment entails lifting or separating the gum. 


After the gum is pulled away, we can see the entire area more clearly and clean and scrape the roots, which allows us to remove the subgingival tartar. In cases when the damage caused by periodontitis is severe, bone or gum grafts may be necessary.


If you live in Chandigarh and are searching for Pyorrhoea Treatment Chandigarh, don't hesitate to contact Bristles Dental Studios by phone at +91-172-5062171 or online today. We serve patients in and around Chandigarh.


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