TMJ Treatments Delhi - Advanced Dental Clinic

Published: 2024-03-15
Views: 252
Author: adcdelhi
Published in: Health & Fitness

Introduction - TMJ Treatments Delhi

A change in the structures that make up the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is known as temporomandibular joint dysfunction. 


Your lower jaw and skull are joined by the temporomandibular joints, which are made of bone, muscle, and joint components. Just in front of the ears are two identical joints, one on each side of the skull. 


As we speak, chew, yawn, swallow, and sneeze, these joints—among the most commonly used ones in the body—come into play. 


TMJ problem arises from damage to these joints, as well as the muscles and ligaments supporting them, leading to discomfort and dysfunction. 


After toothache, the TMJ condition is commonly recognized as the primary source of facial pain. Research indicates that the disease is more common in younger persons, particularly in women between the ages of 20 and 40. 

TMJ Symptoms and Signs - TMJ Treatments Delhi

TMJ syndrome symptoms are mostly researched in relation to the impacted joint components. The principal ones are enumerated here, along with their precise locations: 

1) Bruxism, or the tightness or grinding of teeth; feeling of loose or brittle teeth; pain during chewing; dry mouth; hot or scorching mouth. 

2) Mandibular issues: joint noises or snaps, soreness in the jaw muscles, restriction in the mouth's opening, jaw displacement when opening or shutting, and inflamed muscles. 

3) Headache or facial discomfort: headaches in the frontal region, pseudomigraines, blockage of the nose, and pain in the back or upper region of the head. 

4) Eyes: Vision impairment, pain, and photophobia. 

5) Ear: Sounds, dizziness, ear pain, itching, and hearing loss 

6) Throat: burning, swelling, mucus buildup, trouble swallowing 

7) Back and neck: Reduced mobility and irritation of the muscles 

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 8)Others: sadness, exhaustion, tingling in the hands and arms 

TMJ causes - TMJ Treatments Delhi

It is often accepted that there are several contributing variables that could lead to the development of TMJ, making it a multifactor syndrome. Among them are: 

• Heredity 

• Bruxism, or the grinding of teeth habit 

• Habits of posture 

• Joint damage resulting from a hit to the head or jaw 

• Depression, stress, and anxiety 

• TMJ arthritis 

• The disc's displacement 

• Injuries caused by whiplash 

• Sucking the thumb 

• Deformities of the jaw or missing teeth 

• Trauma at birth/congenital 

• Aspects related to psychology 

Substance Abuse Treatment - TMJ Treatments Delhi

Medications recommended often for this disease include: 

• Pain relievers 

• Inflammatory drugs 

• Sedatives 

• Relaxants for the muscles 

• Nervousness 

• Depression-fighting drugs 


If you are searching TMJ Treatments Delhi, consult Advanced Dental Clinic in East Delhi. We have a team of the best dental surgeons in Delhi. Call us to book an Appointment: +91 9599 173 134.


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