Root Canal Treatment, Wisdom Tooth - Wisdom Tooth Root Canal Treatment
"Ouch, what's the point of these extra teeth in my head?" or words to that effect were once spoken by a smart man. The common belief that the purpose of third molars is to replace missing teeth, which can happen throughout time, is challenged by this tooth.
Third molars are teeth that you get because your body assumes that over the course of life, you will have likely lost a few molars and there will be plenty of room for them to migrate into the available area. They resemble double adult teeth.
Not only has modernism extended life expectancies and improved overall health, but it has also made it possible for people to maintain their teeth into adulthood.
The Exemption for Extraction - Wisdom Tooth Root Canal Treatment
Dentists have a tendency to try to save teeth whenever possible. Although root canal treatment is preferred, extraction is still an option for treating underlying abscesses. In most cases, they resolve the underlying abscess and leave behind a root-treated tooth that should survive as long as any other if properly cared for.
Usually, third molars are the exception to this guideline. While front teeth have one and molars typically have two, third molars can have as many as six, depending on the ethnicity. They can also have an incredibly complex root system. In addition to being difficult to clean and enlarge due to their placement in the back of the mouth, these roots are typically heavily coated and moderately affected in a little amount of space.
Traveling a distance - Wisdom Tooth Root Canal Treatment
We will even go so far as to provide Harley Street wisdom teeth treatments.
However, there is some degree of heterogeneity in the procedure that root canals typically follow; this variation is seen in third molars. As is customary for a treatment this drastic, it must begin with a complete series of X-rays and a thorough investigation to determine the best course of action for clearing the large root system.
Due to the length of the process, the majority of root canals are completed in two sessions, though in really complex situations, this can go up to three. An antiseptic solution will be inserted into the tooth and a temporary cap will be placed over the access hole in between each of these sessions. These tooth-cleaning solutions will gradually seep into the tooth's dentin, assisting in the cleaning procedure and lowering the likelihood of an abscess recurrence.
If you live in Bangalore, you are searching for Wisdom Tooth Root Canal Treatment. It would be best if you considered Bangalore Dental Specialists. Call us to Book an Appointment: 08956781555
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