Space Maintainers For Kids

Published: 2024-03-24
Views: 264
Author: blrdents
Published in: Health & Fitness

What Is a Dental Space Maintainer? - Space Maintainers for Kids

A device that is custom-made by an orthodontist or dentist is known as a dental space maintainer, sometimes known as a dental spacer. Its main objective is to maintain the opening necessary for the permanent tooth to erupt and occupy its proper position. Essentially, its purpose is to bridge the gap left by early loss of main teeth. Dental spacers aid in preventing neighbouring teeth from rotating and drifting as a result of this gap.

When Is It Required for Children? - Space Maintainers for Kids

Youngsters frequently experience the early loss of their baby teeth for a variety of reasons, including dental decay, trauma, or natural aging. Dental space maintainers aid in averting potential spacing issues in such circumstances.

Dental Space Maintainer Types - Space Maintainers for Kids

Dental spacers come in two varieties: fixed and removable. Although both methods accomplish the same goal, the needs of each child will determine which is the ideal choice. While detachable maintainers are simple to clean and modify, fixed maintainers are robust and straightforward to operate.

Dental Space Maintainers That Are Fixed - Space Maintainers for Kids

These are metal maintainers that are fixed in place and cannot be removed. When the child is likely to misplace the spacer, they are an excellent choice.

Removable Dental Space Maintainers

These are usually composed of acrylic and resemble orthodontic appliances. When a big area needs to be maintained, they are utilized.

Avoiding Certain Foods with a Dental Spacer

It is important to follow particular food guidelines when a child wears a dental space maintainer to avoid breaking or dislodging the appliance. Hard or sticky foods like caramel, toffee, gum, and hard candies can stick to the maintainer or put too much pressure on it, which could cause damage. Because to the possibility of kernels becoming trapped beneath the maintainer, popcorn is likewise best avoided. Tough meats and chewy things like bagels can also tug at the maintainer. Rather, a diet high in soft meals and lots of liquids is advised to maintain the dental spacer's durability and efficacy.


Taking Care of Your Child's Dental Space the maintainer

Regular cleaning is necessary for dental space maintainers, just like for natural teeth. Getting your children to constantly wash their teeth is a challenge for many parents.


If you live in Bangalore, you are searching for Space Maintainers for Kids. It would be best if you considered Bangalore Dental Specialists. Call us to Book an Appointment: ‏‏‎ 08956781555


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