
Orthognathic Surgery Delhi

Published: 2024-04-02
Views: 34
Author: merakidental
Published in: Health & Fitness

What is orthodontic surgery (jaw surgery)? - Orthognathic Surgery Delhi

Orthognathic surgery, sometimes known as jaw surgery, is a type of surgery that helps realign your mandible (lower jaw) and maxilla (upper jaw). Your bite may be affected, making it difficult for you to eat and speak, if your jaws are not in alignment.


Orthognathic surgery, sometimes known as "orthonathic surgery," is a process. The procedure entails orthodontic treatment to prepare your teeth for jaw surgery, the actual surgery, a recovery period, and additional orthodontic treatment for up to a year following the procedure. The entire procedure for jaw surgery may take two to three years. 

How can issues with the jawbone emerge in people? - Orthognathic Surgery Delhi

In general, issues with the jaw bone are either congenital (existing from birth) or result from trauma or other illnesses that affect the jaw later in life. 

What kinds of jaw issues are congenital? - Orthognathic Surgery Delhi

Congenital jaw disorders can be specific, such as an overbite, or they can be associated with a more general medical illness, such as Treacher Collins syndrome. Here are a few more instances of congenital jaw issues. 

  • Bite-through. When parts of your lower teeth protrude in front of your upper teeth, this occurs. 
  • underbite. 
  • Bite openly. When you close your mouth, a lot of teeth do not erupt into an open bite. 
  • Cleft palate and lip. When the development of your mouth and face is abnormal, you have cleft palate. 

What are some instances of injuries or illnesses that result in jaw problems? - Orthognathic Surgery Delhi

  • fractures to the face. Jaw fractures can affect either the mandible, which is your lower jaw, or the maxilla, which is your top jaw. Should something strike or stab you in the lower jaw, it could break. A car accident, a tumble, or a blow to the head can all shatter your mandible. 
  • tumors and cysts. In addition, jaw surgery may be used by medical professionals to address radiation exposure. 
  • OSA, or obstructive sleep apnea. OSA occurs when the tongue, tonsils, airway muscles, or extra tissue obstructs the airway, causing breathing to stop and resume during sleep. A jaw procedure known as maxillomandibular advancement (MMA) is used to treat OSA. 
  • abnormalities of the temporal mandibular joint (TMJ). An incorrect bite, or misalignment of the upper and lower teeth, can result in TMJ. 
  • perturbations in growth. This is what happens to your jaw when your body produces an excessive amount of growth hormone. Your upper and/or lower jaw tissues grow abnormally big due to the extra hormone.


If you're searching for an Orthognathic Surgery Delhi, Meraki Dental Studio is ideal for achieving and maintaining dental Health. Call Us at +919625678787 to Book an Appointment.


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