Why Are My Teeth So Sensitive? - Teeth Sensitivity Treatment Chandigarh
Have you ever taken a mouthful of hot soup or nibbled on some ice cream and then experienced pain or discomfort? Then you are not by yourself. Pain that is brought on by hot or cold food may indicate a cavity, but it is also frequently experienced by those with sensitive teeth.
Tooth sensitivity, sometimes known as "dentin hypersensitivity," is precisely what it sounds like: discomfort or pain in the teeth in reaction to particular stimuli, like changes in temperature.
It might affect one tooth, multiple teeth, or all of a person's teeth. It can also be a transient or long-term issue. Although there are many potential causes, most cases of sensitive teeth can be resolved with simple adjustments to your oral care routine.
Signs of tooth sensitivity - Teeth Sensitivity Treatment Chandigarh
Sensitive teeth can cause pain or discomfort when specific stimuli are encountered. The afflicted teeth's roots may be where you experience this ache. Among the most typical triggers are:
Why do teeth get sensitive? - Teeth Sensitivity Treatment Chandigarh
Because their enamel is thinner, some people's teeth are inherently more sensitive than others. The tooth's outer layer of protection is called enamel. The enamel on a tooth can often be worn down by:
After receiving dental procedures like fillings, crowns, or teeth whitening, your teeth may become momentarily sensitive. In this instance, sensitivity will also be limited to the treated tooth and its neighboring teeth. It should go away in a few days.
How can sensitive teeth be addressed? - Teeth Sensitivity Treatment Chandigarh
You can experiment with over-the-counter dental treatments if your tooth sensitivity is moderate.
Select toothpaste that has been specially formulated for teeth that are sensitive. These toothpastes may have desensitizing chemicals to help prevent pain from reaching the tooth's nerve in addition to not having any irritating compounds.
Opt for an alcohol-free mouthwash to minimize irritation to teeth that are already sensitive.
Brushing more slowly and with softer toothbrushes might also be beneficial. We'll mark soft toothbrushes as such on the label.
For these treatments to be effective, many applications are usually required. In about a week, you ought to see a difference.
You can discuss prescription toothpaste and mouthwash with your dentist if at-home remedies are ineffective. Additionally, they might use prescription-grade desensitizing agents or fluoride gel in-office. These may aid in protecting and strengthening the tooth enamel.
If you live in Chandigarh and are searching for Teeth Sensitivity Treatment Chandigarh, don't hesitate to contact Bristles Dental Studios by phone at +91-172-5062171 or online today. We serve patients in and around Chandigarh.
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