
Flap Surgery In Mumbai

Published: 2024-04-15
Views: 37
Author: worldsmiledc
Published in: Health & Fitness

Periodontal Flap Surgery - Flap Surgery in Mumbai

Your teeth are at risk when periodontitis, or severe gum disease, occurs. The surrounding bone and ligament tissue is being destroyed at this point, and you might even start losing teeth! Periodontal flap surgery may be your best option if non-surgical therapy such as scaling and cleaning are ineffective in controlling the illness. 


The most popular technique for treating and mending periodontal pockets nowadays is flap surgery. What do these "pockets" mean? Below the gum line, these are regions where gum tissue has separated from the teeth, leaving an unclean gap where dangerous germs can thrive. These bacteria inflame the tissues, which leads to discomfort, bleeding, and sensitivity. If left untreated, they may result in gum disease, loss of the bone structure that supports the teeth, and even potentially systemic (whole-body) issues. 


When periodontal pockets appear, cleaning and scaling—also known as root debridement—using a manual or ultrasonic tool is typically the initial step in treating them. In the event that this fails, periodontal surgery is taken into consideration. Although flap surgery doesn't treat periodontal disease, it can aid by fostering an environment that makes maintaining periodontal health simpler. Furthermore, appropriate expert care combined with consistent at-home maintenance can help extend the life of your teeth, even if you have a predisposition to gum disease. 

The Intent Behind Flap Surgery - Flap Surgery in Mumbai

The pocket itself should be reduced or eliminated as one of the main goals of flap surgery. A flap-like incision is produced in the gum tissue to gain access to it. This enables us to access the root surfaces of the teeth for a comprehensive cleaning, assisting in the removal of dangerous plaque and calculus (tartar), as well as to remove sick tissue from within the pocket. The "flap" is then shut, therefore sealing the space. The healing process starts here and proceeds quickly. 


Regenerating bone and periodontal ligament tissue that may have been lost due to the illness is another objective. To do this, we employ a range of strategies, such as sophisticated bone grafting procedures and substances known as growth factors. These methods support the healthy and stable anchoring of teeth and aid in the restoration of the gums to their normal structure and function.

The Process of Flap Surgery - Flap Surgery in Mumbai

Usually conducted under local anesthesia, flap surgery may also be carried out under intravenous conscious sedation. Oral anti-anxiety drugs may occasionally be taken in conjunction with the procedure. The gums and teeth are separated by a little incision done after the anesthesia wears off. To access the roots, the supporting ligament, and the bone tissue, the outer gum tissue is gently folded aside. 


After that, the tooth roots can be cleaned and the infected gum tissue can be removed. If necessary, the area may also be treated with antibiotics or other drugs. Grafting material can be used to fix bone abnormalities, and growth factors and barrier membranes are two chemical and physical techniques that promote healthy regeneration of the periodontal ligament. At last, the treatment is over and the incision is closed. 


Modern flap surgery has a great history of success when done by a skilled hand and has many documented advantages. It's frequently the preferred course of action for treating periodontal disease and supporting oral health maintenance, including tooth preservation. 


If you live in Mumbai and are searching for Flap Surgery in Mumbai, consider World Smiles Dental Center. Call us to Book an Appointment: +91-7738583037


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