
Deep Cleaning Treatment Chembur

Published: 2024-04-28
Views: 40
Author: cosmecared
Published in: Health & Fitness

What is involved in a deep cleaning from the dentist? - Deep Cleaning Treatment Chembur

Dentists recommend thorough teeth cleaning or dental scaling and root planing when tartar builds up in the gaps between a patient's teeth and gums and sometimes reaches the tooth roots. If gum disease is not addressed, it may lead to severe infections or even tooth loss. 

By removing plaque from areas of the teeth beneath the gum line, deep cleaning helps reduce the space between teeth and gums caused by gum disease. This is not your average scale and polish procedure, wherein your dentist removes plaque visible above the gum line. 

What actions are necessary to clean your teeth properly? - Deep Cleaning Treatment Chembur

A deep cleaning at the dentist involves the following steps: 

1. Before the visit, the diagnosis - Deep Cleaning Treatment Chembur

Before your deep cleaning, your dentist would have used a periodontal probe to measure the distance between your teeth and gums to diagnose gum disease. Gum disease is evident if the gap is more significant than 3 mm. Your dentist will also examine you to see whether you have loose teeth, inflamed gums, or bleeding gums. 

Gum disease progresses in three stages: gingivitis, periodontitis, and advanced periodontitis. While deep cleaning is frequently required to treat periodontitis and advanced periodontitis, it is not usually essential to treat gingivitis. 

Your dentist will usually request an x-ray of your teeth since periodontitis can cause bone loss, which can be detected on an x-ray. 

2. The day of your first appointment for a complete cleaning 

Typically, a deep cleaning of teeth requires two treatments. This is so your dentist can use a local anesthetic to numb and treat one side of your mouth during each appointment. If your mouth were utterly numb after your appointment, talking, eating, or drinking would be problematic. 

Your dentist will apply numbing cream or inject a local anesthetic into your gums to ensure you don't feel any pain during the operation. Next, your dentist will scrape up tartar from behind your gums using a tiny dental tool. 

For stubborn or difficult-to-reach areas of tartar, your dentist may employ an ultrasonic tool that vibrates to remove plaque and tartar. 

3. The time of your follow-up thorough cleaning consultation 

During your follow-up appointment, your dentist will treat the other side of your mouth using the same techniques as during your initial session. After the deep cleaning, they will also evaluate how the side of your mouth that was previously treated is feeling and recovering. 

Each appointment will take a minimum of one hour and a maximum of four hours. If your infection is serious, you may need additional treatment, such as antibiotic gel placed directly into the pocket between your teeth and gums. 

 You can also be prescribed antibiotic pills or a solid mouthwash to treat the condition. 

4. The time of your deep cleaning follow-up 

You will have a follow-up appointment with your dentist approximately two weeks after your two deep cleaning procedures are finished. During this appointment, your dentist will measure the distance between your teeth and gums to see whether they have gotten smaller. 

Depending on the results of your comprehensive cleaning, you may be sent to a specialist for further care.

If you live in Chembur and are searching for a Deep Cleaning Treatment Chembur, you should consider Cosmecare Dentistry. Contact us at +91-8779-689-297 to book an Appointment.


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