
Teeth Sensitivity Treatment Chembur

Published: 2024-04-28
Views: 34
Author: cosmecared
Published in: Health & Fitness

Why do teeth get sensitive? - Teeth Sensitivity Treatment Chembur

Tooth sensitivity is frequently brought on by chipped or broken enamel, exposed tooth roots, or internal rot. Tooth sensitivity may also result from other problems, such as: 

  • recent dental procedures 
  • teeth that are chipped or fractured 
  • Damaged or loose filling 
  • gum disease 

The duration of tooth sensitivity varies based on the underlying cause. Touch or extremely hot or cold conditions may make you more sensitive. You may not always be able to identify your trigger. 

When is the right time to discuss tooth sensitivity with a dentist? - Teeth Sensitivity Treatment Chembur

Tooth sensitivity is frequently an indicator of a dental health issue that needs to be taken seriously. Replace your toothpaste if you experience transient dental sensitivity that goes away fast, such a sharp tingling when you eat anything extremely cold. 

But if your symptoms last more than a week or two, you should keep an eye on your tooth sensitivity and get in touch with the Us

How can tooth sensitivity be identified? - Teeth Sensitivity Treatment Chembur

In-depth examinations are provided by the skilled endodontists at Cosmecare Dentistry to determine the root cause of your tooth sensitivity and any other symptoms. They inspect the inside of your teeth and search for thin enamel using sophisticated 3D scans and X-rays. 

Every tooth is examined by your endodontist for indications of gum recession, exposed tooth roots, and other possible reasons why you may be sensitive. 

How can sensitive teeth be addressed? - Teeth Sensitivity Treatment Chembur

The disease producing sensitive teeth will determine how to treat it. Your endodontist may suggest noninvasive treatments like fluoride treatments, toothpaste for sensitive teeth, or dental bonding to cover and shield exposed tooth roots or regions where enamel has fallen away. 

They do, however, provide cutting-edge root canal treatments to remove inflammatory and decayed tissue from your impacted tooth before filling and sealing it to stop further decay, sensitivity, or discomfort if your sensitivity is caused by internal dental decay. 

Using cutting-edge tools including 3D scans, illumination, microscopes, and rotating instruments, the team can meticulously treat even the hardest-to-reach root canals in your teeth.

If you live in Chembur and are searching for a Teeth Sensitivity Treatment Chembur, you should consider Cosmecare Dentistry. Contact us at +91-8779-689-297 to book an Appointment.


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