Deep Cleaning Treatment Bangalore

Published: 2024-05-13
Views: 234
Author: blrdents
Published in: Health & Fitness

What to anticipate following a deep cleaning procedure - Deep Cleaning Treatment Bangalore

Your dental practitioner might have suggested a deep cleaning if you had just been diagnosed with gum disease. Often referred to as scaling and root planing, this can be a quick and easy procedure to restore the health of your gums. But what precisely is involved in it? In actuality, how does it address gum disease? And with a rigorous cleaning treatment, what can you anticipate? Find the answers to all of your deep cleaning-related queries by reading on.

What is Gum disease? - Deep Cleaning Treatment Bangalore

You're not alone if you suffer from periodontal disease, commonly referred to as gum disease. 

Gingivitis is the term used to describe periodontal disease in its less severe form. This results from plaque bacteria accumulating around your gum line, leading to gum inflammation and occasionally bleeding.

How Is Gum Disease Treated with Deep Cleaning? - Deep Cleaning Treatment Bangalore

If your dentist has suggested one, you may be curious about the details of a deep cleaning procedure and how it addresses gum disease. The two phases and how they support the restoration of gum health are as follows: 

Stage 1: Scaling. Your dentist will use manual instruments, ultrasonic tools, or both to remove germs, tartar, and plaque from the surfaces of your teeth, both above and below the gum line. This allows your gums to heal by reducing the inflammation and tissue damage brought on by gum disease.

Step 2: Root Planong. Your dentist will smooth your teeth's root surfaces. This lowers your risk of developing gum disease in the future by making it more difficult for germs to grow again. Additionally, as your gums heal, it aids in their reattachment to your teeth.

Depending on the severity of your gum disease, one or more visits may be necessary for scaling and root planning. Your dentist could apply a local anesthetic to numb the region of your mouth that needs cleaning.

Following a Deep Cleaning Procedure, What Takes Place? - Deep Cleaning Treatment Bangalore

After the surgery, you might be given antibiotics or antimicrobial rinses to fully clear your mouth of any potential infection. Your dentist may also suggest anti-inflammatories or medications to aid with swelling or discomfort.

Can a Deep Cleaning Cause Teeth to Fall Out?

Plaque and tartar can accumulate in pockets between teeth and gums due to periodontal disease. The plaque and tartar around your teeth help stabilize them even if you lose bone and other supporting tissues. But, once that build-up has been eliminated by deep cleaning, your teeth may feel loose, and you may worry that they will fall out. Even if it feels loose, removing this accumulation is crucial to halting the infection and promoting gum reattachment to teeth. Make sure you discuss any worries you may have with your dentist if you are experiencing any sensation of looseness.

Do Gums Reattach Following Extensive Cleaning?

Following a thorough cleaning, gum tissue can reattach to the tooth root. However, the amount of healthy gum tissue remaining will determine the reattachment degree. Thus, it's critical to maintain your scheduled dental examinations to detect gum disease as soon as possible while the amount of lost gum tissue is at its lowest.

If you live in Bangalore, you are searching for Deep Cleaning Treatment Bangalore. It would be best if you considered Bangalore Dental Specialists. Call us to Book an Appointment: ‏‏‎ 08956781555


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