Dentist In Jaipur

Published: 2024-06-04
Views: 115
Author: msdental
Published in: Health & Fitness

Teeth Whitening - Dentist in Jaipur

There are two types of tooth stains: intrinsic and extrinsic. The brown and yellow stains that develop outside your teeth are called extrinsic stains. Teeth that have internal intrinsic stains will seem blue or gray. Whitening toothpaste and over-the-counter teeth whitening kits can remove some surface stains. However, These methods have limitations and may hurt or make teeth and gums more sensitive. Professional-grade treatments are required to treat people with sensitive teeth and gums and eliminate deeper intrinsic and extrinsic stains.

You frequently come into contact with foods and beverages that discolor teeth. Even if your teeth are in excellent condition, they may seem stained.

Different Types of Tooth Stains - Dentist in Jaipur

There are two types of tooth stains: intrinsic and extrinsic. The brown and yellow stains that develop outside your teeth are called extrinsic stains. Teeth that have internal intrinsic stains will seem blue or gray. Whitening toothpaste and over-the-counter teeth whitening kits can remove some surface stains. However, These methods have limitations and may hurt or make teeth and gums more sensitive. To treat people with sensitive teeth and gums and to eliminate deeper intrinsic and extrinsic stains, professional-grade treatments are required.

Professional Teeth-Whitening Options - Dentist in Jaipur

Our Team can use various teeth-whitening techniques to quickly whiten your smile by eight to fourteen shades.

Teeth whitening in-office: During your appointment, our Team will apply the teeth-whitening solution, usually applied as a gel. Typical appointments take 90 minutes.

Teeth whitening at home: We will provide you with a mouthguard that fits your bite exactly and a teeth-whitening gel. After that, our staff will prescribe you a teeth-bleaching schedule to adhere to. Though the procedure is done in the comfort and convenience of your own home, results usually take a bit longer than with in-office teeth whitening. Using this procedure, it usually takes 10 to 14 days to get the desired outcomes.


What is the price of teeth whitening?

The type of treatment you receive and the extent of your stains determine the cost of teeth whitening. At Molar Support Dental Clinic, we will collaborate with you to choose the best, most economical procedure.

Are the results of tooth whitening permanent?

How well your teeth are taken care of after the procedure and how frequently you consume stain-causing food and beverages will determine how long your teeth-whitening effects last. The duration of the effects can range from several months to three years.


If you live in Jaipur and are searching for a Dentist in Jaipur, you should consider Molar Support Dental Clinic. It is one of the best dental clinics in Jaipur. Call us to Book an Appointment: 09414986786


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