Dental Emergency Treatment In Chandigarh

Published: 2024-06-06
Views: 94
Author: bristlesde
Published in: Health & Fitness

What is a dental emergency? - Dental Emergency Treatment in Chandigarh

Any dental issue that must be addressed immediately is considered an emergency. Dental problems are not always life-threatening. However, you require emergency dental care if you have fractured facial bones, uncontrollable bleeding, or discomfort that does not improve with medicine.

Procedure for a Dental Emergency - Dental Emergency Treatment in Chandigarh

The first thing you should do in the event of a dental emergency is contact your dentist for additional guidance. If it's after regular business hours, you can phone the emergency number provided by many dentists. If you don't have a dentist, visit your closest emergency hospital or urgent care facility.

Where to go in case of an urgent dental issue - Dental Emergency Treatment in Chandigarh

The majority of dental emergencies, such as a knocked-out or shattered tooth, are handled in the dental clinic. However, if you have a more serious injury, like a fractured face bone, you should visit the emergency room right away.

What qualifies as an emergency in dentistry? - Dental Emergency Treatment in Chandigarh

Dental emergencies include, for example:

  • Severe dental pain.
  • Severely fractured teeth.
  • Lost its teeth.
  • Partially dislodged tooth that has extruded.
  • Facial and jaw swelling caused by a dental abscess.
  • A lost or damaged dental crown.
  • Severe damage to soft tissue (such as a deep cut or a cracked lip).

Until you visit your dentist, you can handle each of these dental emergencies as follows:

Severe toothache

Start by giving yourself a warm water mouthwash. To get rid of sticky food, use tooth floss. Use a cold compress on the outside of your mouth or cheek if your mouth is swollen. Use over-the-counter pain relievers such acetaminophen, naproxen, or ibuprofen. (It is never advisable to apply aspirin or other medications straight to your gums or teeth since this could burn the tissue there.) See a dentist as quickly as you can.

Badly cracked tooth

Keep any shattered bits of your tooth and rinse them. Swish some warm water over your mouth. If there is bleeding, cover the affected area with gauze and hold it there for ten minutes or until the bleeding stops. To reduce discomfort and swelling, apply a cool compress to the lip, cheek, or outside of your mouth where the chipped or fractured tooth is located. Consult a dentist as soon as you can.


At Bristles Dental Studios, we provide Dental Emergency Treatment in Chandigarh. Our dental consideration group offers extensive dental assistance custom-fitted to your unique requirements. Contact us at +91-99140 84498.


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