Gummy Smile Treatment Bangalore

Published: 2024-06-11
Views: 164
Author: blrdents
Published in: Health & Fitness

Have you ever wished that your gorgeous teeth and not the gums could be seen when you smile fully? Have you ever tried to hide your smile because when you smile, your gums show a lot? If this is the precise issue that is troubling you, we offer a way to address your "Gummy Smile."

Excessive gum show when smiling is the hallmark of a gummy smile. In a typical smile, two thirds to three quarters of the teeth are visible, with the remaining teeth hidden by the lips. Nonetheless, a gummy smile is defined as having more than 2-3 mm of gum show as a continuous band during conversation or typical smiling, which can result in unsightly appearances. When compared to men, women are more likely to have gummy smiles. It also has a genetic tendency and is passed down through the generations.

Gummy smile causes include - Gummy Smile Treatment Bangalore

  • tiny or short teeth.
  • powerful muscles of the upper lip
  • elevated facial development in the vertical direction
  • uneven teeth
  • upper lip that is short

The excessive show of gums on the top teeth in all of the aforementioned circumstances results in an incredibly unpleasant appearance that may have an adverse effect on a person's social and psychological well-being. The good news is that it is curable and reversible.

The process of correcting a gummy smile is referred to as "Lip Repositioning Surgery." - Gummy Smile Treatment Bangalore

Lip repositioning is a cosmetic procedure in which the lip is surgically connected closer to the teeth, reducing the amount of gum visible when smiling. Your dentist would make an appropriate appointment for the procedure after determining that you are medically fit for it. Your doctor will first apply a topical anesthetic to the gums, trim any excess gum tissue, and then suture the inside of the gums back up against the teeth. The process would take thirty to forty minutes in total. The effects will be seen right away, but you must exercise caution to avoid overstretching your muscles, which could lead to the stitches coming loose or breaking. For two to three days following the surgery, a soft and bland diet would be ideal. Your doctor would call you back a week later for an examination and to have the stitches taken out.

The safest and most dependable way to address a gummy smile is to realign the lips. It's a really straightforward cosmetic treatment that can significantly alter someone's appearance. A lovely smile is seen to enhance a person's confidence and general charisma.


Thus, why do you hesitate?

If you feel as though your gums are showing when you smile, which is affecting your confidence, then see us at Bangalore Dental Specialists for a professional consultation with one of our highly qualified specialists.


If you live in Bangalore, you are searching for Gummy Smile Treatment Bangalore. It would be best if you considered Bangalore Dental Specialists. Call us to Book an Appointment: ‏‏‎ 08956781555


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