
Invisalign In Darwin Australia

Published: 2024-06-26
Views: 20
Author: smithstreet
Published in: Health & Fitness

How Does Invisalign Work? - Invisalign in Darwin Australia

As was previously mentioned, Invisalign is an orthodontic procedure that straightens teeth. What does that actually mean, though? This is how Invisalign functions, then.

With Invisalign, your dentist and their team will use imprints and computer-generated images to create clear aligners that will move your teeth into a more aesthetically pleasing position. Unlike the traditional brace, which uses fixed wires to "pull" teeth into alignment, Invisalign uses a series of molds that gradually push your teeth into a better position over the course of many months.

What Separates Braces from Invisalign? - Invisalign in Darwin Australia

The goal of both Invisalign and traditional braces is to realign your teeth better, leading to a more attractive smile and improved dental health. While dentists and orthodontists have been using traditional braces for many years, Invisalign is a more recent invention designed to cater to the needs of contemporary society. Like any other therapy, Invisalign offers advantages and disadvantages, but the patient must choose which ones to weigh.

There are undoubtedly more differences than parallels between braces and Invisalign.

Here are a few

  • Clear vs. Visible: Traditional braces are constructed of metal wires and elastic bands, whereas Invisalign aligners are composed of see-through, BPA-free plastic that makes them nearly invisible to others. This increases their visibility, which some patients may find unsettling.
  • Convenience: While instructions advise patients to wear their trays for 20 to 22 hours a day, Invisalign braces can be taken out of the mouth whenever necessary. On the other hand, because traditional braces are secured to teeth with wires, they cannot be taken off.
  • therapy Length: Compared to traditional braces, the Invisalign procedure involves much less time in therapy. Patients with Invisalign only need to wear the trays for six to eighteen months, as opposed to the two years that traditional braces often require due to the way they work.
  • Cost: While the greater prices of Invisalign braces are not appreciably different from those of traditional metal braces, the base cost is typically more. Typically, ceramic braces cost more money. For a precise pricing estimate for Invisalign, consult one of our dentists.

For whom is Invisalign appropriate? - Invisalign in Darwin Australia

Almost anyone who wants to straighten their teeth or make their smile better can benefit from Invisalign.

  • Teens: The majority of tooth misalignments in teenagers can be fixed with Invisalign. Teenagers who want to enhance their dental health and have a radiant smile might benefit greatly from Invisalign braces because they use clear aligners. This is especially helpful because adolescence is a time when self-consciousness is common. Teenagers who want that winning smile can benefit greatly from Invisalign because of its reduced treatment timeframes and ease of use.
  • Adults: Adults are taking charge of their own health and selecting corrective dentistry services at an increasing rate. Adults who desire flexibility with their alignment operation and want to improve their smile without wearing a highly noticeable metal brace can benefit greatly from Invisalign.


If you live in Darwin, Australia, you are searching for Invisalign in Darwin Australia. It would be best if you considered Smith Street Dental. Call us to Book an Appointment: ‏‏‎ +61889819149


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