Zirconia Crowns In Darwin

Published: 2024-07-27
Views: 181
Author: smithstreet
Published in: Health & Fitness

Smith Street Dental is Offering comprehensive dental care, including Zirconia crowns in Darwin, this clinic focuses on providing high-quality, personalized dental solutions.

What Is a Zirconia Crown? - Zirconia Crowns in Darwin

One common temporary tooth restoration procedure is a dental crown. On natural dental pieces, it hides fractures, terrible discolouration, and extensive decay. A wide range of materials are available for dental corrections. The most prevalent materials are ceramics, porcelain, resin, and metals. Zirconia's numerous verified benefits are contributing to its rising popularity.

Reasons to Get a Zirconia Crown - Zirconia Crowns in Darwin

Your teeth may break or deteriorate due to a number of reasons. The main causes of tooth deterioration are natural aging, dental decay, and trauma. Your teeth may become smaller or change their shape if you grind them down, have a crossbite, or chew on hard foods. Although a zirconia crown won't restore your natural tooth to health, it will stop additional decay and enhance the appearance of the damaged tooth. A dental crown can be used by your dentist to treat a variety of oral issues. The most typical ones are:

  • Preserving a week tooth from breaking
  • preserving a tooth in its unhealthy state
  • enhancing the appearance of your smile
  • repairing a chipped or damaged tooth
  • Increasing the bite
  • covering root canals, dental implants, and big fillings
  • covering stained or malformed teeth

A more recent material for dental restorative procedures is zirconia. It is a kind of ceramic, or more precisely, a zirconium oxide, that is more resilient than porcelain and some metal alloys, and it becomes less chipped and jagged from typical "wear and tear" over time. In comparison to their porcelain counterparts, zirconia crowns typically put less strain and damage on adjacent pieces. When the latter rubs against your other teeth, it may wear down the enamel like sandpaper. One of the numerous reasons why dentists would advise you to think about using zirconia for your dental operations is this.

Zirconia Types Used in Crowns - Zirconia Crowns in Darwin

Dentists appear to have two preferences out of all the ceramic varieties that are now available. For dental procedures, they frequently choose employing full-contour and framework zirconia. These are good substitutes for full-metal blends and porcelain-metal composites. The ideal material for anterior and posterior multi-unit bridges is framework zirconia. This adaptable material can have its appearance nearly identical to a genuine tooth by covering it with porcelain or glass. Zirconia full-contour performs better when used as a monolithic restoration.

The advantages of having a zirconia crown

The strongest monolithic ceramic—that is, ceramic created without the addition of additional materials—is zirconia. Zirconia is stronger, stiffer, and more split-resistant than glass ceramics and dental composite. These characteristics prevent the tooth beneath the crown as well as the neighboring teeth from chipping and shattering. Because of zirconia's superior shielding ability, your smile's integrity won't be compromised by heavier loads.

If you live in Darwin, Australia, you are searching for Zirconia Crowns in Darwin. It would be best if you considered Smith Street Dental. Call us to Book an Appointment: ‏‏‎ +61889819149


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