Dentist In Mohali

Published: 2024-08-03
Views: 114
Author: bristlesde
Published in: Health & Fitness

If you are searching for Dentist in Mohali Bristles Dental Studios is an ideal choice for you, we are known for Known for personalized care and modern treatments.

Dental Bonding - Dentist in Mohali

One of the easiest and most adaptable restorative procedures we do is dental bonding. We can repair or reconstruct the damaged sections of your tooth using a resin if it is somewhat decaying, chipped, or cracked.

In addition, bonding can be used as a cosmetic procedure to correct discolouration, straighten teeth, and fill gaps. It is sometimes used to shield dental roots or even in place of amalgam fillings.

A plastic composite resin that resembles putty is the substance utilized in bonding. It is solidified after it has been carved onto the teeth. For a seamless appearance, we may readily alter the bonding resin's hue to precisely match the shade of your teeth's enamel.

If you're unsure if dental bonding is the best option for restoring your smile, our knowledgeable staff can help. Give us a call right now to arrange a consultation.

What is Dental Bonding? - Dentist in Mohali

When compared to other restorative dentistry procedures, dental bonding is a somewhat simple operation. Procedures for bonding can typically be finished in a single visit. It normally takes the same amount of time as your routine cleaning appointments and doesn't require anesthetic. To prepare the surface for the bonding chemical to be applied, the dentist will remove a little portion of the tooth enamel. They will mold the bonding material to be both attractive and useful after adding a liquid to aid in the resin's adhesion. The material is polished once it has been inserted and shaped, and it is then cemented using an ultraviolet light. Our team of dentist in mohali will examine you to make sure you can bite down comfortably. They can build up or smooth out the restoration as needed to make sure you're happy.

Limitations on Bonding

Bonding has limitations even if it's a very helpful technique for small-scale repair and cosmetic work.

Veneers and crowns are more durable than composite resin. Bonding might not be the ideal choice if your tooth is severely damaged or if you require a more durable solution. Additionally, crowns and veneers are more stain-resistant.

Although bonding can fill in minor gaps, orthodontic treatment is still necessary. The majority of bite issues and crooked teeth can only be fixed by using braces or other orthodontic tools to move your teeth.

Getting your teeth whitened after a bonding procedure may result in a color mismatch between your natural teeth and the bonded tooth since bonded teeth do not respond well to whitening. To ensure that the resin we use matches your gorgeous new smile, it is preferable to have your teeth whitened first.

Caring For Bonded Teeth

Just as with your other teeth, or perhaps more so, bonded teeth require ongoing care. If the resin is not properly treated, it may chip, crack, and become stained. The bonding cannot be whitened and is weaker than the original enamel. You must therefore refrain from staining food or drink, including coffee, for at least 24 to 48 hours following your operation. Ice-chewers and nail-biters, take note: Bonding won't withstand your nasty habits. Your restoration should last three to ten years, depending on how well you take care of your teeth, before requiring a touch-up.


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