Dental Bone Grafting Treatment Bharuch

Published: 2024-08-19
Views: 125
Author: drsindha
Published in: Health & Fitness

When is a bone graft necessary? - Dental Bone Grafting Treatment Bharuch

Dental implant surgery is a critical component of periodontal treatment, enabling patients who have lost their permanent (adult) teeth the opportunity to restore and renew their smile. To effectively place an oral implant, patients must have adequate bone tissue to ensure a strong, stable connection between the implant and their jaw. For people who do not have adequate bone tissue, bone augmentation is an important step in ensuring that the jaw is ready to accept the implant and restore the patient's dental structure. Know more about Dental Bone Grafting Treatment Bharuch.

Thanks to advancements in current technology, Our Team will choose a bone grafting procedure that rebuilds bone structure safely and effectively while, if necessary, creating adequate room for dental implants.

What is a bone graft? - Dental Bone Grafting Treatment Bharuch

Tooth loss occurs as a result of bone loss around the teeth, as well as a general weakening of the jawbone structure. The periodontist uses bone grafting to replace missing bone tissue. The goal is to improve the jaw's weakening structure while simultaneously promoting natural bone growth. Bone grafting is a very adaptable surgery that can be quite helpful for dental restoration and maintenance of advanced periodontal disease. Bone grafting treatments can assist offer adequate support for dental implants while also preventing further tooth loss.

Types of Bone Grafts

Major Bone Grafting

Major bone grafts are utilized to correct jaw deficits that are typically caused by traumatic injuries, tumor surgery, or congenital deficiencies. Larger deformities are treated with the patient's own bone. If the jaw has significantly deteriorated, bone harvesting will occur in the cranium, hip, or lateral knee.

Minor Bone Grafting - Dental Bone Grafting Treatment Bharuch

Minor bone grafts are utilized to restore implant locations that have previously been extracted or have experienced substantial bone degradation due to injury or gum disease. The bone is derived from a tissue bank of the jaw or larger bones, such as the hip. Sinus bone transplants are used to repair missing bone in the upper jaw. Special membranes are occasionally dissolved beneath the gum to shield the bone graft and promote healing.

Ridge Expansion

Ridge expansions occur when a ridge is reabsorbed and requires an increase in height or width. This form of bone graft is intended to restore lost bone dimension when the ridge is too thin to accommodate an implant. With this technique. The jaw ridge is mechanically extended, allowing the bone graft to be put and develop for a few months before the implant is inserted.

Benefits of Bone Grafting

  • Rebuilds bone structure.
  • Provides a strong foundation for dental implants and prevents additional bone loss.
  • Safe and effective for the majority of patients.
  • Protects face structure.
  • Improves candidacy for dental implants.

If you're in Bharuch and in need of Dental Bone Grafting Treatment Bharuch, we invite you to visit Dr. Sindha Dental Clinic. With our team's extensive experience and commitment to providing the best dental services in Bharuch, you can be confident in the care you'll receive. Don't hesitate to call us today at 094294 58558 to book an appointment quickly.


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