Zoom Bleaching In Mumbai

Published: 2024-08-23
Views: 159
Author: cosmecared
Published in: Health & Fitness

What is Zoom teeth whitening? - Zoom Bleaching in Mumbai

Discoloration of dentin and enamel can be alleviated using Zoom!, a whitening procedure. Know more about Zoom Bleaching in Mumbai.

How does one go about discolouring their teeth? - Zoom Bleaching in Mumbai

Many things can trigger this. The two most prevalent causes are becoming older and consuming staining beverages or foods, such as coffee, tea, or tobacco. Too much fluoride, certain antibiotics, or tetracycline during tooth development can potentially discolor teeth.

Who are the people who could get whiter teeth? - Zoom Bleaching in Mumbai

The process of teeth whitening can be beneficial for nearly everyone. Nevertheless, not everyone will respond positively to treatment. You can find out if you qualify for this procedure—including a shade assessment—during an oral exam with Our Team.

Is there a rise in the popularity of teeth whitening?

In a heartbeat! A radiant, lovely smile can change everything. Zoom! Whitening System streamlines the process for maximum efficiency.

Will bleaching my teeth hurt?

According to research and clinical investigations, teeth whitening is safe under a dentist's supervision. Many dentists consider it the safest cosmetic dental procedure. However, children under the age of thirteen and women who are pregnant or nursing should not use Zoom! Or any other teeth-whitening product.

How long do you think the effects will last?

If you follow a few easy steps after teeth whitening, your teeth will stay whiter than before. Zoom is excellent for flossing and brushing twice a day! Toothpaste that whitens teeth and Zoom for touch-ups! Portable gel. These are high-quality, professionally formulated products to maintain your teeth' luster. Feel free to contact our office for more information.

Is Zoom! Different from other dental whiteners that you may buy at the store?

Of course! The first step in safely whitening teeth is to consult with Our Team. Over-the-counter tooth whitening products like strips, gels, and toothpaste can take weeks or months to lighten teeth by merely a few shades. According to clinical trials, you can whiten your teeth six shades* in a weekend or eight shades* in an hour using Zoom!

How does Zoom work? In-Office System work?

Hydrogen peroxide is the active component of the Zoom! Light-activated whitening gel. Hydrogen peroxide can remove stains without altering the tooth's structure by releasing oxygen into the tooth's enamel and dentin. The Zoom! light activates hydrogen peroxide, which can penetrate the tooth surface.

If you live in Mumbai and are looking for a Zoom Bleaching in Mumbai, consider Cosmecare Dentistry. Contact us at +91-8779-689-297 to book an Appointment.


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