How To Choose The Best Dentist In San Diego For Professional Teeth Whitening

Published: 2024-08-26
Views: 23
Author: mesadental
Published in: Health & Fitness
How To Choose The Best Dentist In San Diego For Professional Teeth Whitening

When you aspire to have whiter teeth for a beautiful smile it is time to consult professionals in the field. With professional cosmetic dentist you have the advantage of safe and durable teeth whitening San Diego procedure. Discoloured teeth are huge cause of embarrassment. Teeth whitening at the dentist's office is a quick way to get a whiter smile, however it is important to know which teeth whitening method is best for you. While some of us appreciate the safety benefits of whitening procedures in dentistry administered by a trained professional, others find the professional teeth whitening cost prohibitively high.

Often the best dentist in San Diego offers professional teeth whitening which is an efficient, safe and effective choice for brightening your smile. But there are plenty of aspects to consider, including cost, your lifestyle habits and whether a comprehensive in-office treatment or a custom take-home-tray for teeth whitening is the better choice. Some of the treatments are designed to remove deep stains such as wine, coffee, and smoking stains, while some whitening treatments are made with sensitive teeth in mind. You will find whitening treatments that Cosmetic dentist San Diego makes use of two main products for teeth whitening which are hydrogen peroxide and carbamide peroxide.

There are whitening toothpaste that uses an abrasive ingredient to mechanically remove surface-level stains however the oxygen molecules within these whitening agents weaken your tooth stains on a molecular level. Furthermore, there are many over-the-counter (OTC) whitening treatments available such as strips, kits and pens which also use a form of peroxide. For a savvy patient it is important to know the difference between these and professional teeth whitening which is the chemical concentration.

There are different reasons your teeth can become yellowed such as due to aging or staining. Staining appears on the teeth when we drink coffee, tea, red wine, or if someone is a smoker. The best dentist in San Diego provides take-home teeth whitening kit to ensure your teeth remain white. Within the industry, you will find that professional take-home whitening kit is the best, safest, and most effective method for whitening your teeth.

At the office of Mesa Dental San Diego, the friendly and trained staff under the guidance of Dr. Qadeer administers a home teeth-whitening kit which uses an FDA approved gel (using a less than 6% Hydrogen Peroxide depending solution). The trays they use are custom-designed to fit the contours of the patient’s mouth. The patients will also receive detailed instructions on how to properly use the home whitening kit, as well as receive ample supplies to achieve the level of whiteness satisfactory to both the dentist and the patient.

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