Dentist In Chembur - Cosmecare Dentistry

Published: 2024-10-04
Views: 9
Author: cosmecared
Published in: Health & Fitness

Dental Bonding - Dentist in Chembur

Dental bonding, sometimes called teeth bonding, is a straightforward technique to fix broken, chipped, or fractured teeth. It can also repair tooth discoloration and gaps between teeth. The primary material is composite resin tinted like teeth. In addition to improving the appearance of your smile, bonding facilitates appropriate eating and chewing, preventing additional damage. Know more about Dentist in Chembur.

What Applications Does Dental Bonding Have? - Dentist in Chembur

  • Composite resin is utilized to fix decaying teeth and fill cavities.
  • It closes the space between teeth.
  • minimizes the appearance of tooth discoloration, resin fillings in place of silver fillings
  • prevent gum recession in teeth

Benefits of Dental Bonding

One of the most accessible and affordable cosmetic dentistry procedures is bonding. It takes extremely little time and can be completed in a single dental session instead of veneers or crowns, which require two or more sittings. Only a tiny portion of the tooth enamel is removed, preserving a large portion of the tooth's original tissue. The process is nearly painless and doesn't involve using any sedatives.

How Is Bonding of Teeth Done?

No preparation is required for tooth bonding. Sometimes, when there are no cavities to be filled, local anesthetic is not even necessary. Using a shade reference, we choose the resin composite color during your dental appointment to glue your teeth together. The teeth are ready for bonding by the dentist. A conditioning liquid is applied to your teeth after roughening the surface to facilitate the bonding material's attachment to your teeth.

After applying the tooth-colored composite resin to the tooth's surface, it is smoothed and shaped to take on the appropriate shape. The resin is then cured using a specialized UV laser, which fixes the substance to the teeth's surface. The dentist then molds, polishes, and trims the resin to resemble your teeth' sheen. For one tooth, it takes between thirty and sixty minutes. Changes are made in accordance with that.

How Should Bonded Teeth Be Cared for?

  • Ice cubes and other frozen, hard foods shouldn't be chewed with bonded teeth.
  • Refrain from consuming too many sweets or other sugary foods, which could harm your dental bonding.
  • Avoid smoking and drinking too much coffee, tea, or red wine, as these things might discolor your teeth. Brush and floss your teeth at least twice daily, and schedule routine examinations at the dentist.

If you live in Chembur, Mumbai, and are searching for a Dentist in Chembur, you should consider Cosmecare Dentistry. It is in your best interest to choose a trustworthy Dental Clinic.


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