Mottled Teeth Treatment In South Delhi GK1

Published: 2025-01-10
Views: 4
Author: smayatede
Published in: Health & Fitness


Too much fluoride consumption during the tooth-development period causes dental fluorosis, a disorder that affects the teeth. Despite being necessary for dental health, too much fluoride can cause aesthetic and occasionally functional issues with teeth. Know more about Mottled Teeth Treatment in South Delhi GK1.

Dental Fluorosis Symptoms - Mottled Teeth Treatment in South Delhi GK1

The following symptoms are indicative of dental fluorosis, which is mostly a cosmetic problem:

  • White Spots on Teeth: White spots on teeth are one of the first indications of dental fluorosis. Usually located on the front teeth, these patches can be hardly perceptible.
  • Yellow/Brown Stains: Teeth with severe fluorosis may exhibit brown or yellow stains.
  • Pitted or Grooved Enamel: Too much fluoride might result in pitted or grooved tooth enamel.
  • Poorly Developed Enamel: Teeth with poorly developed enamel are more prone to deterioration.

Dental fluorosis causes include - Mottled Teeth Treatment in South Delhi GK1

Overexposure to fluoride during tooth growth, usually before the age of eight, results in dental fluorosis. Supplements, toothpaste, and fluoridated water may be the most common causes of dental fluorosis.

Dental fluorosis treatment options include

  • Microabrasion: In this procedure, the outermost layer of enamel is removed by a dentist using a fine pumice-based abrasive substance. This can aid in the removal of mild to moderate dental fluorosis-related stains.
  • Teeth Whitening: Stains brought on by dental fluorosis can be less noticeable with professional teeth-whitening procedures.
  • Dental Bonding: In more severe cases of dental fluorosis, dental bonding might be necessary. To make the damaged teeth look better, a tooth-colored resin is applied.
  • Crowns or veneers: In certain situations, crowns or veneers may be applied to the impacted teeth in order to enhance both their appearance and functionality.

How to Prevent Dental Fluorosis

Reducing children's exposure to fluoride is the best method of preventing dental fluorosis.

Here are some pointers to help avoid dental fluorosis:

  • Use Fluoridated Water In Moderation: If your water supply is fluoridated, make sure kids don't consume too much water each day.
  • Observe Toothpaste Use: After brushing, kids should be taught to spit out their toothpaste rather than consume it.
  • Avoid Fluoride Supplements: Children shouldn't use fluoride supplements unless a dentist has prescribed them.
  • Seek Professional Advice: Consult a dentist if you have concerns about your child's fluoride consumption or if you observe any symptoms of dental fluorosis.  


If you're looking for a Mottled Teeth Treatment in South Delhi GK1 and know whom to trust, please call the Smayate Dental Clinic South Delhi at +911141078808 to arrange your initial visit.


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