Full Mouth Dental Implants - Dental Implants In Chembur

Published: 2025-01-24
Views: 60
Author: cosmecared
Published in: Health & Fitness


Full Mouth Dental Implants - Dental Implants in Chembur

Are you unhappy with your dentures or have been having trouble with broken or missing teeth? You've come to the right place to learn about your options for replacing all of your teeth. Know more about Dental Implants in Chembur.

With the full mouth implant process, which is a more advanced method, only four implants can support an arch of teeth. Full arch implants have become a popular option to dentures because they are quick, don't hurt much, and work very well. When a highly trained and experienced dentist does full mouth dental implants, the results are beautiful.

Patients get their smiles back and can smile with confidence again. We know a lot about Dental Implants in Chembur, so we put together a guide that tells you everything you need to know about full sets of dental implants to help you make the best choice for you.

What does the "All on 4" procedure involve? - Dental Implants in Chembur

What exactly is All On 4? All On 4 is a more modern way to put in dental implants. Instead of a tooth root, dental implants are small metal screws that fit into your jawbone. For a single tooth, a crown would be put on top of the implant to make an artificial tooth that looks and works just like the real thing. When you get full mouth implants, your upper or lower teeth are replaced all at once. Instead of each tooth having its own implant, they are held in place by four implants.

In the normal way of doing things, eight or more implants are needed to restore a full arch. This method has some problems because it needs implants to be put into the back of the mouth, which is not very boney. To strengthen the jaw bone, this may need bone grafting and sinus augmentation, which is a much more invasive operation. All On 4, on the other hand, only needs two implants in the back of the mouth. These are cleverly placed at a 45-degree angle to avoid bone-deficient areas while still being strong.

All On 4 has some clear advantages over traditional implants, such as:  

  • A full arch can be held up by just four implants.
  • Gets rid of the need for bone grafts
  • The less invasive treatment speeds up the recovery and healing process.
  • It's a much faster process.
  • There are more options for making and fitting the best substitute teeth.
  • Not as dense of bone is needed to hold the implant in place.
  • As little as 24 hours after surgery, you can get your new fixed teeth.


If you live in Chembur and are looking for Dental Implants in Chembur, consider Cosmecare Dentistry. Call +91-8779-689-297 to make an Appointment.


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