
Wisdom Tooth Pain Treatment Ahmedabad

Published: 2023-10-22
Views: 123
Author: orissmiles
Published in: Health & Fitness

The wisdom teeth, which usually erupt throughout adulthood, are the last set of teeth to erupt after the third set of molars. People typically have four wisdom teeth in total—two on the top jaw and two more on the bottom—and they are located directly at the back of the jaw.


Unlike the other adult teeth, which grow and erupt during your childhood, they don't start forming until you are around seven or eight years old. The onset of wisdom teeth usually occurs between the ages of 18 and 30.


Only when there is insufficient room in your jaw or when your wisdom tooth erupted and became lodged in an incorrect place can you have problems with it. They usually cause pain and discomfort as they erupt because this is a very typical event.


It's possible that you won't even need to have your wisdom teeth extracted because growing wisdom teeth can sometimes cause pain and discomfort. It is best to speak with your dentist about your particular condition to determine whether or not you need to have your wisdom teeth removed.

What are impacted wisdom teeth and why do they cause problems? - Wisdom Tooth Pain Treatment Ahmedabad

Why do problems arise with wisdom teeth? - Wisdom Tooth Pain Treatment Ahmedabad

85% of people get their wisdom teeth pulled because they can be quite problematic. Human jaw size has decreased throughout time. These days it's common for your jaw to be too small to accommodate 32 teeth (including your wisdom teeth). Wisdom teeth that are unable to erupt begin to press against neighbouring teeth, causing pain and discomfort.


Wisdom teeth impact - Wisdom Tooth Pain Treatment Ahmedabad

An impacted wisdom teeth is one that is either partially or completely buried behind the gum line and is unable to erupt to the surface. In addition to creating additional oral health issues, these teeth will have an impact on the condition of the teeth that surround them.


A tooth that pushes out at the incorrect angle may force the teeth around it to move out of alignment and may lead to dental crowding, which over time may impair your entire jawline. The second molar, the tooth adjacent to your wisdom teeth, may become more prone to issues like decay or infections as a result of impacted wisdom teeth.


If you experience any tooth pain at all, you should see your dentist for advice because, in the case of impacted wisdom teeth, there may be more than one tooth that is affected. You could need to have more than one tooth extracted as a result of decay; that is, the wisdom teeth adjacent to it as well as the original one.

Wisdom teeth removal procedures - Wisdom Tooth Pain Treatment Ahmedabad

Your dentist will perform a comprehensive examination of your teeth at your first appointment. This will enable them to provide you with additional information regarding the necessity of having your wisdom teeth extracted. This frequently means that in order for the dentist to accurately check your wisdom teeth as well as the surrounding tissues, you will need to have an OPG, or full mouth x-ray.


Depending on your particular situation, your dentist may present you with a few options. Options for treatment include:

  • Extraction of wisdom teeth in the chair by a specialist
  • General anaesthetic sedation on a chair


If you live in Ahmedabad and want Wisdom Tooth Pain Treatment Ahmedabad, you should consider Oris Smiles Dental Clinic. Call us to Book an Appointment: 6353 690 788.


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