Teeth Sensitivity Treatment Ahmedabad

Published: 2023-10-22
Views: 358
Author: orissmiles
Published in: Health & Fitness

Teeth Sensitivity - Teeth Sensitivity Treatment Ahmedabad

Do you occasionally find the flavour of ice cream or a hot cup of coffee unpleasant? Do you sometimes wince when brushing or flossing? In that case, your teeth might be sensitive.

Some such reasons are:

  • decaying teeth (cavities)
  • breakage in teeth
  • damaged fillings
  • gum illness
  • damaged dental enamel
  • uncovered dental root


The portion of your teeth above the gum line, known as the crowns, is shielded by an enamel coating in healthy teeth. A layer of tissue known as cementum covers the tooth root beneath the gum line. Dentin lies beneath the cementum and the enamel.


Compared to cementum and enamel, dentin is less thick and has microscopic tubules, tiny hollow tubes or canals. It is possible to treat teeth sensitivity. The type of treatment required will depend on what caused the sensitivity. 

Your dentist may suggest one of the following procedures - Teeth Sensitivity Treatment Ahmedabad

  • Toothpaste that has been desensitised. Although it usually takes several applications to reduce sensitivity, this contains ingredients that stop feeling from travelling from the tooth surface to the nerve.
  • Gum fluoride. A procedure is done in-office that lessens the transmission of feelings while strengthening tooth enamel.
  • An inlay, bonding, or crown. These could be applied to fix a decay or fault that causes sensitivity.
  • Gum graft surgery. This will shield the root and lessen sensitivity if the gum tissue has been gone.
  • Canalized root. If no alternative options exist for treating severe, ongoing sensitivity, your dentist may recommend this treatment to eliminate the problem.




  • Smile designing
  • Dental Veneers
  • Dental Implants
  • Teeth Whitening
  • Dental Crowns and Bridges
  • Gums Treatment
  • Tooth Extraction
  • Root Canal Treatment
  • Clear Aligners and Invisalign


If you live in Ahmedabad and want Teeth Sensitivity Treatment Ahmedabad, you should consider Oris Smiles Dental Clinic. Call us to Book an Appointment: 6353 690 788.

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