Bad Breath Treatment Ahmedabad

Published: 2023-11-03
Views: 320
Author: orissmiles
Published in: Health & Fitness

Bad Breath Treatment Ahmedabad

Most individuals occasionally have bad breath, but for some it can be more visible and chronic. A person's social or professional life as well as their self-esteem may suffer as a result.


Better daily oral hygiene and lifestyle modifications can usually improve bad breath, often known as halitosis. A dentist or general practitioner should be seen if self-care measures fail to alleviate bad breath. This is because foul breath may indicate a more serious health issue.

Causes - Bad Breath Treatment Ahmedabad

Dental problems and inadequate oral hygiene are the main causes of foul breath.

Food particles get stuck in between and around teeth if you don't clean and floss every day. Bad-smelling gases are produced when bacteria in the mouth break down those particles. Similar issues will also arise from improperly fitting or neglected dentures.

Bad breath can also be caused by dental conditions such tooth decay, gum disease, and dental abscesses.

Additional factors that can contribute to or cause bad breath include:

  • Smoking: Smoking and chewing tobacco dries out the mouth, decreasing natural cleansing and increasing odour-producing bacteria in addition to leaving an unpleasant aftertaste. 
  • Consumption of alcohol: Alcohol also reduces salivary flow, which results in less natural cleansing and an increase in bacteria.
  • Several foods Sugars are a fantastic fuel for the bacteria that produce bad breath. Odor-producing bacteria may be increased by sugary foods, beverages, lollipops, and gum (chewing gum and sugar-free mints are better options for fresh breath). dishes with strong aromas, such as onions, garlic, and spicy dishes, can also contribute to foul breath.
  • Some medical conditions: Diabetes, heartburn, sinusitis, tonsillitis, and other infections can all be medical reasons of foul breath. 
  • Dieting: Abrupt weight loss or fasting might leave breath with an overly sweet odour. This is because the breakdown of body fat produces molecules called ketones.

Treatment - Bad Breath Treatment Ahmedabad

The majority of foul breath is caused by oral health issues, which can be resolved with improved oral hygiene practises (see the list below). Since the accumulation of a bacterial film, or plaque, on your teeth may be the cause of foul breath, the first course of treatment will probably involve brushing and flossing more frequently as well as using toothpaste and an antibacterial mouth rinse to destroy the germs.


Additionally, a dentist may advise restoring damaged tooth restorations and filling cavities, as these two procedures serve as havens for bacteria that cause odours.


Your dentist could suggest that you see a periodontist (specialist in gum disease) if you have gum disease. Gum disease can cause the gums to recede from the teeth, creating large spaces where plaque can accumulate. These pockets are difficult to access.


If you live in Ahmedabad and want Bad Breath Treatment Ahmedabad, you should consider Oris Smiles Dental Clinic. Call us to Book an Appointment: 6353 690 788.


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