
Dentist In Thaltej Ahmedabad

Published: 2023-12-09
Views: 80
Author: orissmiles
Published in: Health & Fitness

Periodontal treatment: The basics      

Treatment for periodontal disease primarily targets the bone that surrounds the tooth roots as well as the gums and connective tissues that support your teeth. To prevent concerns and treat illnesses and other conditions that jeopardise the stability, health, and structure of the teeth, these structures need specialised care.

Gum disease (periodontal disease) - Dentist in Thaltej Ahmedabad

Gum disease, a major contributor to adult tooth loss, is brought on by bacteria that irritate gum tissue. As a result, the gums recede and migrate down the surface of the tooth towards the roots. Bacteria grow and reproduce, causing infections that eventually weaken dental roots and lead to tooth loss.


The field of periodontics focuses on specialised gum disease therapies that restore healthy gums and stop tooth loss while also eliminating bacteria, infection, and inflammation. 

Gum surgery - Dentist in Thaltej Ahmedabad

In order to treat certain forms of gum disease, gum surgery is essential. For example, gum grafting and flap surgery replace receding gum tissue with healthy tissue to stop gum disease from getting worse. 


In order to improve the symmetry between the gum and the tooth, extra gum tissue is removed during other gum surgery procedures, such as crown lengthening, to treat "gummy smiles."

Planing and scaling - Dentist in Thaltej Ahmedabad

Deep cleaning methods called scaling and planing are applied to treat gum disease in its early stages. Our Team employs specialised tools and methods to penetrate below the gum line during these procedures in order to eliminate bacteria and inflammatory tissue.


In order to hinder future bacterial growth, Our Team carefully smoothes the surfaces of the tooth roots during treatment. 

Dental implants - Dentist in Thaltej Ahmedabad

Dental implants are a common way to replace one or more lost teeth in place of dentures and bridges. Implants are easier to maintain and have a more realistic appearance and feel than real teeth.


With dental implant, a metal post is placed in your jaw to hold up a prosthetic tooth (crown). The specialised methods utilised in implant placement surgery are included in periodontal therapy.


If you live in Ahmedabad and searching for Dentist in Thaltej Ahmedabad, you should consider Oris Smiles Dental Clinic. Call us to Book an Appointment: 6353 690 788.


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