
Dental Clinic In Thaltej Ahmedabad

Published: 2023-12-09
Views: 95
Author: orissmiles
Published in: Health & Fitness

Recognising the Different Stages of Gum Disease - Dental Clinic in Thaltej Ahmedabad

An infection and inflammation of the gum tissue and the bone that supports the gums is known as gum disease. Gum disease symptoms could range from redness, bleeding, and gum sensitivity to loose and shifting teeth, depending on how far along the condition is. 


Gum disease is very frequent because of modern diets high in sweets and processed carbohydrates, which are a food source for the bad bacteria in the mouth that produce plaque and cause inflammation. 

Gingivitis - Dental Clinic in Thaltej Ahmedabad

Gingivitis, the early stage of gum disease, is usually treatable. Smoking, eating a diet high in processed carbohydrates, not brushing and flossing your teeth on a regular basis, and having plaque on your teeth are the most common risk factors for gingivitis.


Professional cleanings combined with a daily oral hygiene regimen can undo the damage if gum disease is discovered at this early stage. 


Gingivitis is characterised by pink, inflamed gums, foul breath, and sporadic bleeding that is apparent when brushing your teeth. 

Initial Periodontitis - Dental Clinic in Thaltej Ahmedabad

The damage is frequently irreversible in the second stage as the bacterial infection persists. Still, there are therapies available that can stop the illness from getting worse. These consist of root planing and thorough dental cleaning. 


The early signs of periodontitis are separation of the gum pockets.

Moderate Periodontitis - Dental Clinic in Thaltej Ahmedabad

By now the teeth are starting to come loose because the bacterial infection has spread to the jawbone. There's a chance the pathogen enters the circulation. Scaling the roots is one way to treat and get rid of as much bacteria as possible.

Severe Periodontitis

Tooth loss and excruciating abscesses are genuine risks at this point. Pus may form as a result of bacteria accumulation between the gums and teeth, making it practically hard to chew food without experiencing painful episodes. 


If you live in Ahmedabad and searching for Dental Clinic in Thaltej Ahmedabad, you should consider Oris Smiles Dental Clinic. Call us to Book an Appointment: 6353 690 788.


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