MMOexp: Being Able To Watch Someone Complete Elden Ring

Published: 2024-07-22
Views: 157
Author: AventurineLe
Published in: Arts & Entertainment
MMOexp: Being Able To Watch Someone Complete Elden Ring

This means Seki has to avoid any and all types of harm, large or small, throughout the whole course. Think about how many times you've played Elden Ring and accidentally fell and received some fall injury or gotten poisoned in Elden Ring Runes a swamp. If something like that happens to Seki during his game, he'll have to start over. This makes an already challenging and difficult sport an even more difficult beast to conquer.

Watching the race go by is wild. Being able to watch someone complete Elden Ring in under 3 hours with their health bar not ever falling is engaging even if you (like myself) have no interest in FromSoftware Games or Elden Ring. (There is a moment in the run that Seki wears a unique magical talisman, which increases the damage and health of his character. The moment he puts it on, his health bar expands and it looks like Seki has been hit and is what the item does.)

Berserk's Dragon Slayer

Then, my personal favorite Berserk reference is in Elden Ring apart from the sword fields. Elden Ring, like previous Souls games, hides much of the world's creation in its descriptions of the items. It's often the best method to discover the reason why someone did something important or who's connected to whom and, therefore, it's a good be logical that homages to Berserk could be hiding in the description of the flavor also.

It's a lot like the comments made about Guts' Dragon Slayer in Berserk that in the very first chapter of the manga is referred to as"a "raw mass of iron" which is "much too large to be considered an actual sword." The characters are usually shocked by the fact that Guts can hold such a weapon due its massive size, but due to his incredible strength, he's able to utilize it to slash through everything that stands in his way. The two weapons are alike, but this may be due to the fact that they're both huge swords.

The streamer who has completed similar no-hit runs in other FromSoftware games like Sekiro the game, he logged more than 130 hours trying to complete this no-hit/no damage run. This included planning, practicing as well as countless attempts. As for what gear Seki likes to use to beat Elden Ring without taking any injury, it's an ordinary kit with buy Elden Ring Runes a fan favorite: Moonveil katana.

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