Porcelain Veneers In Delhi

Published: 2024-07-22
Views: 195
Author: merakidental
Published in: Arts & Entertainment

Porcelain Veneers

Dental problems like chipping, gaps, stains, and misalignments of the teeth are extremely prevalent. This might cause a lot of people to feel self-conscious about their look and smile. Our skilled dentists offer porcelain veneers in Delhi, which are intended to cover up these flaws.

What are Porcelain Veneers? - Porcelain Veneers in Delhi

Strong ceramic material is used to create porcelain veneers, which are fitted specifically to the damaged tooth. Porcelain dental veneers, which improve teeth beauty and reinforce the structure of the tooth, cover only a section of the tooth, unlike dental crowns.

Dental veneers made of porcelain can be a great addition to a smile makeover. They can significantly improve the appearance of a smile and produce long-lasting effects. Veneer installation can also be a very efficient way to restore aesthetic dental flaws that you may have wanted to address for a very long time and create a more symmetrical smile.

Who is the good candidate for Porcelain Veneers? - Porcelain Veneers in Delhi

Candidates who wish to hide cosmetic flaws affecting the teeth that are visible at the front of their mouth are the best candidates for porcelain veneers. Your dentist will initially discuss more conservative options, including teeth whitening, before prescribing veneers. It can be necessary to consider veneers if other treatments are unable to provide you the desired amount of improvement. Additionally, orthodontics like Invisalign® may be suggested initially to correct the teeth if a more serious alignment problem is detected.

What Can I Aim For In The Procedure Of Porcelain Veneers? - Porcelain Veneers in Delhi

The afflicted teeth will normally be prepared by removing the outermost layer of each tooth's surface before the porcelain veneers procedure can commence. In this way, after the veneer shells are in place, the teeth will remain true to size and appearance. Following the preparation of the teeth, an impression of your teeth is taken, and the porcelain veneer is constructed. The veneer is precisely custom-designed to fit your tooth and is composed of incredibly durable ceramic. After applying a strong dental glue to the veneer, your dentist will color-match it to the neighbouring teeth to create a seamless, natural-looking finish. What was the outcome? a practically invisible fix for functional and cosmetic dental flaws that can have a lovely, natural appearance.


If you're searching for Porcelain Veneers in Delhi, Meraki Dental Studio is ideal for achieving and maintaining dental Health. Call us at +919625678787 to Book an Appointment.


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