5. Check School Ratings
Every school has different strengths and weaknesses. Access the School menu to CFB 25 Coins view your institution’s ratings in various areas, such as Pro Potential, Academics, and Facilities. Focus on recruiting players who align with your school’s strengths.
For instance, if your school has a high rating in Academics but a low Pro Potential rating, prioritize recruits who value academics over pro prospects. Tailor your recruiting strategy based on your school’s strengths to maximize your recruiting effectiveness.
6. Go All In on Top Recruits
Securing top recruits is essential for building a successful program. Use the "All In" recruiting action when you’re making progress with a high-priority recruit. This action helps solidify your position and increase your chances of landing the recruit.
Focusing on recruits who will have the most significant impact on your program ensures a steady influx of talent and helps maintain a competitive edge year after year.
7. Hard Sell on Recruit’s Top Interests
Once you’ve identified a recruit’s top three interests, schedule a visit and select the option that matches their highest-graded interest. After the visit, use the "Hard Sell" option to emphasize these interests and persuade the recruit to commit to your program.
This approach can help sway recruits who are considering multiple options and increase your chances of securing their commitment.
8. Utilize the Sway Feature
If you fall behind in the recruiting race, the "Sway" feature can help you turn things around. Evaluate your school’s best attributes and match them with what the recruit values most. Use this information to make a compelling case for why they should choose your program over others.
Swaying can be particularly useful when trying to close the gap with competitors and convince recruits to switch their commitment to your school.
9. Identify ‘Open’ Recruits Mid-Season
Around the halfway point of the season, look for recruits with an "Open" status, meaning they are not currently being recruited by other schools. These overlooked players can be valuable additions to your program, offering potential talent that may not be on the radar of buy College Football 25 Coins other teams.
By targeting these recruits, you can find hidden gems who could significantly contribute to your team’s success.
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