MMOexp: Another Renowned Dark Souls Expert Who Also Claimed

Published: 2024-09-24
Views: 129
Author: AventurineLe
Published in: Arts & Entertainment
MMOexp: Another Renowned Dark Souls Expert Who Also Claimed

"The Elden Ring wall is set as a destructible object but with 9999 HP with no animation fade out means it was very likely intended to be destroyed by an event script," said Zullie through Twitter. "Though it's hard to Elden Ring Runes tell if they were able to smudge that out or if it's a bug. It's definitely got 9999 defense though."Illusory Wall, another renowned Dark Souls expert who also claimed that the fake wall was unintentional confirmed Zullie's findings and agreed with their theories on the wall.

It's a fact that as long as the developers FromSoftware as well as Bandai Namco officially clarify if this fake wall as well as other similarly hard-to-crack secrets are intentional methods or accidental bugs, we can't say for the certainty. MMOexp has spoken at Bandai Namco about the fake wall and asked if it's an issue that can someday be patched by a new large update as the recent 1.03 patch.

But , even it is just a random defect or error, it will still undoubtedly lead to many players hitting every object in sight for weeks or months or even years in search of every secret, hidden room, or unlockable piece of gear or weaponry. It's true that this fake wall might not be intentionally created. What if there's a fake cave or wall deep in the game that's not discovered yet, and maybe this one requires multiple hits? And what if it's hiding the most amazing secrets?

And finally, my favorite Berserk reference is in Elden Ring apart from the sword fields. Elden Ring, like previous Souls games, conceals much of the world's creation in the descriptions of items. It's often the best method to find out why someone has done something significant or the relationship between whom It stands to that homages to Berserk might be hiding away in the text for the flavor also.

In most games I'd just roll my eyes and laugh at it being an option. But the case with Elden Ring, well... any thing regardless of how difficult it might be best place to buy elden ring items, seems feasible.

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